Tag: Adventism

Are the annual holy days of Israel fulfilled by Christ?

The Sacrificial Lamb - Josefa de Ayala, ca 1670

Some Christians say we should observe the Holy Days instructed in the Old Testament. Some say they pointed to Christ and were fulfilled by Christ.

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Does Adventism teach a deficient Gospel?

James and Ellen White

In the recent discussions with Adventists I’ve started to realise that Saturday observance, in the way modern sabbatarians teach it, is actually more than just a theological difference, more than just a minor error. It’s a complete defect in the nature of the New Covenant.

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Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath

Icon of the Resurrection

With no weekly 7th day sabbath under the New Covenant, Christians chose the most important day of the week to hold as special – Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead.

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The Law of God vs the Law of Moses

10 Commandments

Adventists like to distinguish between the law of God and the law of Moses, between a moral law and a ceremonial law.

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God’s visible grace

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

Guest post at the blog Reinventing the Adventist Wheel.

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God reaching out through space and time

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - The Last Supper (1495-1498)

Guest post at the blog Reinventing the Adventist Wheel.

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Galatians 4: Adventists are Hagar, Christians are Sarah

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar

The other side, those who are Hagar’s children – Muslims and Adventists – are in bondage, following the covenant at Sinai. That’s a huge revelation regarding Adventism. They lack, due to their allegiance, a full part in the New Covenant.

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Refuting an Adventist theory without providing a replacement theory

Daniel's Answer to the King

I was told that I was being unreasonable in not providing an alternative theory for Daniel’s prophecies. If I wanted to refute Adventism’s interpretation of Daniel, I needed to provide an alternative theory in addition to showing why Adventism was wrong.

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Converting to Catholicism, and keeping the good from Adventism

Crucifixion, from Polittico di Valle Romita

Mike Senseney wrote the following on a Facebook forum, and he’s given permission for me to share this. He’s an ex-Adventist who found his way home to the Catholic Church.

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Why I remain Catholic

Council of Trent in Santa Maria Maggiore church, Museo Diocesano Tridentino, Trento (Italy)

It’s a current trend to post why one remains Catholic. There are many reasons, but I think mine are mostly historical. I believe that the first century Christians developed into the second century Christians, who developed into the third century Christians, and then into the 4th century Christians. …

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Adventism cannot be the true remnant church

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

Adventism claims to be the chosen remnant church, called out of the rest of Christianity. The identifying sign of the remnant, according to Adventism, is that they keep all 10 commandments. They don’t. Officially, Adventism condones abortion. That means, officially, Adventism cannot be the true remnant they claim to be.

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Shame on you – Adventists, dishonesty, and the Catholic Church

Jesus doesn't like lies being told about Christians.

Adventists have a reputation for their dishonesty, and not just among Catholics. Out there in real life and on the internet there is a huge collection of anti-Catholic propaganda waiting for gullible Catholics, and others, to ensnare them. When a Catholic meets a certain type of Adventist, this sort of propaganda abounds.

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Dishonest Adventists

Jesus doesn't like lies being told about Christians.

Here are some examples from recent Facebook conversations. Discussions are trimmed to include the relevant bits. Disgusting to read, and disgusting to have to deal with regularly. Not all the “Catholic” discussion is mine; where more than one person was involved in the discussion, they are numbered 1 and 2.

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We’re now on Facebook!

I have decided to start up a Facebook group that accompanies this blog. The group is called Catholic discussion of Adventism. This group is for Catholics, not Adventists. The statement of purpose is as follows …

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Whose truth is the real truth, and how can we know?

Still life with Bible, Vincent van Gogh

When Christians study the Bible and reach different conclusions, how can they figure out which conclusion is the correct one? Is there a way to know that one is right, apart from the conviction that the Holy Spirit has led one in one’s study of the Bible? When someone has a different interpretation of the Bible to ours, how do we know the Holy Spirit has led us, and not them? How can we be sure that we are right? Or is there a possibility that we’re wrong?

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Christian Halloween

Jack o' Lantern

No, Halloween is NOT a pagan holiday adopted by Catholics and passed on to Protestants. That’s a myth perpetuated by anti-Catholics and those who, contrary to the Bible, fear what has been offered to pagan gods. So, in reality, Halloween is a safe and fun secular practice with Christian origins. If you don’t believe that, or dislike the type of Christian faith it originated in, follow Paul’s advice. If you don’t feel you can go that far yet, don’t complain about those who have a stronger faith.

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Adventists and abortion – updated again

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

One of Teresa and Arthur Beem’s turning points in their conversion from Adventism to Catholicism was the issue of abortion. Adventists neglect the commandment against murder. Tesa has a lovely post on her blog about this.

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Ideas for new topics please

Christ Pantocrater

I don’t want to become a general Catholic blog, or go into (too much) general apologetics. I want my audience to be a) Catholics who need a defence of their faith specifically from Adventist arguments against Catholicism, and b) Adventists seriously interested in understanding Catholicism and why we don’t accept their arguments as sound. I have a few ideas I’m working on for future topics. For the few visitors I get, please mention what you think I could write posts on. Thanks.

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Orthodox, Catholics, and Adventism

Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

The Orthodox share with Catholicism most of the teachings that Catholicism and Protestantism disagree on. Mary, her sinlessness, her body taken up into heaven, the Eucharist being literally the physical body and blood of Christ, asking saints in heaven to pray for us, Apostolic succession, the liturgical expression of our faith, 46 books in the Old Testament instead of the Protestant 39 (actually, some Orthodox have more.) And so it goes on. On issues such as Mary and Purgatory, they tend to share the same beliefs, but express them in very different ways.

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Dies Domini – Adventist apologetics and research

Francesco Albani's The Baptism of Christ

Dies Domini “is a internet research center, dedicated to promoting an ecumenical dialogue between Catholics and Seventh-day Adventists. Founded by former Adventists who embraced the Catholic faith, this ministry exists to glorify Christ in faithful service of His Church.”

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