Samuele Bacchiocchi has said that he will be posting scanned images of his certificates on his website as part of a statement against the allegations made by Gregorian University regarding his credentials and claims about his PhD and his dissertation. We all hope to see that statement soon, but while we wait, here are a few scanned images he sent me a while back.
October 2006 archive
Oct 28 2006
Which chapter did Sam publish?
Which chapter of his full dissertation did Samuele Bacchiocchi publish for the purposes of obtaining his PhD? I.e. the Tesina, published in 1975. He claims that one chapter was published. He claims that three chapters were published. He claims that the published chapter was chapter 5. He claims that the published chapter was chapter 7. He claims that the published chapter was in fact three chapters – the first three chapters. He claims that the Tesina was 117 pages long. He claims that the Tesina was 150 pages long, and was required to be at least 120 pages. Is he getting derailed? Is he now making mistakes?
Oct 27 2006
Wine and Adventism – an admission
Angel Manuel Rodriguez of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference admits that the Bible is not entirely clear on the subject, and admits that there are verses that are problematic for the Adventist view.
Oct 27 2006
Mary’s children
Adventists are true Protestants in the sense that they protest whatever is Catholic. Catholics believe that the mother of Jesus, Mary, had no other children apart from Jesus. Some Adventists, therefore, make it an article of faith, a doctrine, that Mary did indeed have other children.
Oct 27 2006
Bacchiocchi’s current crisis
Two other blogs have taken up the topic of Samuele Bacchiocchi’s credentials and the allegations that they are not what he says they are. Gregorian University apparently denies that he got his PhD summa cum laude, that he received any medals, that his book was given an imprimatur, and that they printed it.
Oct 26 2006
Allegations regarding Bacchiocchi’s dissertation
It looks like the controversy surrounding Adventist scholar Samuele Bacchiocchi’s claims regarding his credentials and his thesis have once again sparked discussion. So, finally, after more than 2 years, Bacchiocchi is going to make a formal statement. It will certainly be interesting. Will he be able to provide verification for any claims he makes in his statement, any images he produces? Will the authenticity of any documentation he produces remain in question, or be resolved? Will Gregorian respond, or will they relegate him to the long list of thorns in their side that they simply ignore … which, amusingly, includes a dozen or so people claiming to be the real pope.
Oct 07 2006
Apparently I whine
Richard Kissell’s previous e-mail from about 2 years ago: Apparently he had the same attitude then as he has now.
Oct 07 2006
Plant some mums doc
As for snide remarks, Kissell and Bacchiocchi seem to have much in common. Not the same denomination, but birds of a feather.
Oct 03 2006
Anima Christi
Anima Christi, sanctifica me. Corpus Christi, salva me. Sanguis Christi, inebria me. Aqua lateris Christi, lava me.