August 2016 archive

Galatians 4: Adventists are Hagar, Christians are Sarah

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar

The other side, those who are Hagar’s children – Muslims and Adventists – are in bondage, following the covenant at Sinai. That’s a huge revelation regarding Adventism. They lack, due to their allegiance, a full part in the New Covenant.

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Matt 5 vs Heb 7 – who is right?

Matthew 5 says not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until all is fulfilled and until the heavens and earth pass away. Adventists claim, then, that the sabbath law is still in effect.

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Socrates and Sozomen on Christian observance of the Sabbath

Habakkuk, Septuagint fragment

Adventists quote selectively to make it look like many Christians assembled on the sabbath, every sabbath. It’s clear from the source documents that they fasted on the sabbath, in memory of Jesus being in the tomb – it wasn’t a sabbath observance like the Jews and the Adventists have.

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Adventist misrepresentation of St Patrick

Reputed site of burial of Saint Patrick, in churchyard of cathedral in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

St Patrick is imagined to be a Sabbath keeper by many Adventists. The two writings we have of his, the Confession of St Patrick and his Letter to Coroticus, say nothing about the Sabbath.

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Adventist misrepresentation of The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles

The Synaxis of the holy and the most praiseworthy Twelve Apostles

The section Adventists quote is about the 10 commandments, and amongst the 10 commandments is the commandment about keeping the sabbath. The document is not instructing Christians to keep the sabbath. It’s citing the 10 commandments. That’s not honest quoting on the part of Adventists.

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