March 2021 archive

The Cape Town SSPX, calumny, and fear

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Today, as I was leaving for work, a member of the neighbouring Society of St Pius X (SSPX) congregation complained to me about what I’d said in the Pinelands Facebook group.
He clearly hadn’t read what I wrote there himself, so he accused me of calumny. Specifically relating to the issue of their (at the time) bishop Williamson’s Holocaust denialism and antisemitism.

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The Cape Town SSPX and COVID – The Index of Lessons Learnt

SSPX logo

Over the last year, I’ve written about a Catholic fringe group, a cult, whose Masses I used to attend. I live(d) next door to them. The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) in Cape Town.

My realisation of the sickness within this cult began on St Patrick’s Day 2020, aka 17 March, as the COVID-19 pandemic was rearing it’s ugly (but real) head, and it will mostly come to an end on St Joseph’s Day 2021, aka 19 March. To St Joseph, thank you for getting rid of these people and their cleric.

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The Psychopathy of “Traditionalist” Catholicism

Bishop Richard Williamson, suspended

I have had a revelation. Not the supernatural type where one has a vision, but a natural but shocking realisation about an evil in the world. I finally understand how the sort of moral theology some on the “traditionalist” end of Catholicism espouse matches up with their behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. And thus I also finally understand why such ideas allow the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) to be the way they are.

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