If you listen to what Adventists say about the sabbath, and replace the word “sabbath” with “Jesus”, you hear the truth. If you don’t replace it, you hear false teaching about a day of the week. This has often been pointed out to me, and I’ve found it works a lot of the time. But not alway as clearly as this post on the “Jesus is a Zebra” blog.
Tag: Jesus
Jul 31 2019
Bible Quiz – the day and hour of Jesus’ return
Dec 08 2018
Prerequisites for a National Sunday law
The Catholic Church simply doesn’t have the influence in modern society to get such a law right, even if it wanted to. It will never happen anyway, but if it did, the world would have to change a LOT. It would be an extreme law, requiring a situation much different to that of today.
Jul 20 2018
Are Adventists really Christian? Are they authentic Trinitarians?
Until recently, in my mind Seventh-day Adventism was a Christian denomination. An odd one, with strange beliefs that are contrary to biblical teaching, but Christian nonetheless. That opinion is changing. I think that the Catholic Church should investigate Seventh-day Adventism more fully, and consider conditionally baptising anyone entering the Church if their previous baptism was an Adventist one.
Feb 14 2018
Thus saith Ellen, part 3 – Jesus is not God
Thus saith Ellen: “The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one.”
Nov 18 2017
Is Jesus God? Part 3
Now we will go onto the final section: That Jesus can be prayed to and worshipped as God
Nov 18 2017
Is Jesus God? Part 2
Nov 18 2017
Is Jesus God? Part 1
Adventists believe some strange things. Some Adventists believe even stranger things. There’s a small but vocal group within Adventism that denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, a core teaching of biblical Christianity. Some other groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christedelphians teach this too.
Mar 24 2016
The Sabbath ended on a Thursday
Dec 25 2015
Christmas is Christian
At this time of the year, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and the Incarnation of God the Son in human form, scoffers appear. Adventists are amongst these. Some Adventists celebrate Christmas, some don’t. Those who don’t rely on two key arguments – 1) it’s not commanded in the Bible, and no permission is given to do so, and 2) misinformation.
Oct 31 2015
Halos – pagan or biblical?
Some Christians dislike halos. That is often just another excuse to dislike the Catholic Church.
Sep 28 2015
Pope Francis – Jesus’ failure on the cross?
The wolves (or donkeys, depicted on the right) cannot read, or don’t want to read. They see the words “failure of the cross” and abandon context and honesty in order to promote their nasty agenda. I don’t see how any honest person can read the entire paragraph, notice the words “humanly speaking”, and misunderstand. The wolves bear false witness. It’s what they do.
Jun 02 2015
Ben Carson, the next US President, and anti-Catholic?
An Adventist is possibly amongst those running for the throne that is arguably the most powerful position in the world. Dr Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr., a retired neurosurgeon and a Republican, is potentially the next US President. And he is a Seventh-day Adventist.
Apr 24 2015
Baptism by immersion only?
Adventists baptise only by full immersion (submersion), and they don’t consider other forms of baptism to be real baptisms. They also don’t baptise infants, but that’s another story for another day. As with the Sabbath, Adventism’s doctrine is based on selected texts and not the entire biblical picture. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, …
Mar 23 2013
The Divinity of Christ, for Jehovah’s Witnesses and others
I just found the Y-Jesus site, which has some good arguments as to why Jesus is God, and why Jesus actually did claim to be God. And then Dave Armstrong’s detailed argument, which I’ve mentioned before.
Jan 14 2007
Biblical proof the Jesus is God
On Dave Armstrong’s blog there is a post containing a tremendous amount of evidence for the divinity of Christ. If you’ve got Jehovah’s Witnesses or Christadelphians or other Arian religions to deal with, this is really worth reading.
Sep 16 2006
Was Jesus the son of Mary?
The idea that Jesus was not a biological child of Mary is a novelty not supported by the Bible, and merely a reactionary stance.