July 2006 archive

Adventists changing the Bible?

10 Commandments

He chopped out the word “commandments” in Exodus 16:28, and replaced it with “Sabbaths” – he may well be quoting from the Clear Word Bible, but I am not sure of that. The Clear Word Bible is an Adventist composition that makes tremendous changes to the actual text in order to support Adventist teachings.

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Who changed the Sabbath?

Pope Pius V

Adventists often make the claim that Catholicism claims to have changed the Sabbath. They then cite their proof – unofficial texts, usually newspaper quotes, statements that disagree with the official Catholic position. This is a classic Adventist ploy. I’ve discussed it further here. Without that, Adventism can’t pinpoint which pope they claim changed the Sabbath.

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Ellen White: Women have less vital force than men

Ellen White's signature

Females possess less vital force than the other sex, and are deprived very much of the bracing, invigorating air, by their in-doors life. The results of self-abuse in them is seen in various diseases, such as catarrh, dropsy, headache, loss of memory and sight, great weakness in the back and loins, affections of the spine, the head often decays inwardly. Cancerous humor, which would lay dormant in the system their life-time, is inflamed, and commences its eating, destructive work. The mind is often utterly ruined, and insanity takes place.

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Bacchiocchi – Some things Paul wrote are unacceptable

Some of the things Paul wrote are unacceptable, says Samuele Bacchiocchi.

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The anti-Catholic Oneness Pentecostal again

Angry ant

If people are not willing to be civil, to engage in reasonable discussion, I’m not interested. I have no time for rhetoric and misguided propaganda. How can they claim to be answering Catholicism when they aren’t able to even represent its teachings properly when they disagree with them? They can serve as an example … that’s all such a discussion can do. So here it is.

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Example of an anti-Catholic’s rhetoric

Angry ant

In summary, this seems to be a denomination on the very fringe of Christianity, even further out than the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, who also have a peculiar set of beliefs. They appear to be Oneness Pentecostals … who, in my experience, are not good at honesty when it comes to Catholicism and others they disagree with.

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The Catholic origins of Democracy

Declaration of Independence

It looks like there is a strong case for the Catholic origins of modern democracy. Modern democracy can be traced back to Catholic roots, and was not the product of the reformation. There is convincing evidence that Thomas Jefferson, , knew of the political teachings of Robert Bellarmine, a Catholic Cardinal. Even before Bellarmine, a Jesuit, Thomas Aquinas taught the idea.

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