This looks like a powerful attempt to end abortion in the USA. I am skeptical – I don’t believe that the pro-abortion lobby will stand for it, and will somehow get it right to have this fail. I hope I am wrong. The people promoting this are the Ultimate Coalition for Unborn Children. Pray for them!
February 2006 archive
Feb 04 2006
Paradise vs Heaven
Another perfectly valid explanation is that Jesus had not ascended, which he only did in Acts 1:9. Mary was not to cling to him, in the sense of wanting him to stay, and not return to the Father. This is a more accurate translation of “touch” – merely touching him was quite okay, as is shown in later passages, where Thomas touches him.
Feb 02 2006
SermonAudio – no response
There seems to be silence now from the Pastor X front … no further groans from his flock. No further defence of his attitude. I think they are ashamed … either that, or too busy finding other people to call devils.