Tag: Honest quoting

Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 2 – Catholicism

Donkey, Boston Public Library

In Part 1 we looked at a striking and honest Adventist acknowledgement of the type of dishonesty that forms part of Adventist culture. Here we’ll look at specific common examples of how dishonest Adventists spread fake facts and fake history.

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Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 1 – Adventism

Adventist dishonesty according to Adventist Today

Adventist Today: “We have in this denomination nurtured a class of people who have little regard for verifiable truth. Some lie intentionally and boldly, such as those who altered that article and passed on the letter as factual. Of the rest, it is unclear to me whether they lack the ability to distinguish a spurious story from a true one, or just prefer to believe any bit of mythology that feeds their hunger for novelty, and affirms their fears. … They preferred titillating myths …”

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Troll feeding, part 2

Forest Troll

Adventists are strange things indeed. Experts in deceit. Experts at trolling. Experts at saying the same misconceptions over and over without listening to explanations as to why they are wrong. E.g. why we should all go and commit adultery and murder if we consider the sabbath obsolete. As if repeating the same silly argument will make people change their minds. Intelligent discussion with them is rare, and mostly impossible. I’ve never, never come across a religion with so much dishonesty in it, and with so much dishonesty displayed by its followers.

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Anatomy of an Adventist troll, or troll feeding

Troll, via Uncyclopedia

Out there on the interweb, there are trolls. Many of them. Occasionally I like to feed them. I’d feed them pork, but they’re Adventist, so one of the few rules they have is to not eat pork. (They only have 10 rules, which are to keep the sabbath on Saturday and to not eat pork. Abortion and dishonesty are permitted)

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André Reis and Daniel 8

Map of the breakup of the Greek empire

André Reis, an old “friend” of this blog, has two very interesting posts on Daniel 8 over at Adventist Today and Spectrum. It seems he is disagreeing with the classic Adventist interpretation of Daniel 8, which links the two horns of Daniel 7 and 8 as the same entity, papal Rome. His position on Daniel 8 is much like mine, and much like that of ex-Adventist Dale Ratzlaff over at Life Assurance Ministries. His view disagrees with mine in that I, like Adventists, see the little horns of Daniel 7 and 8 as the same entity, but unlike Adventists, I link them both to Antiochus Epiphanes.

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Vicarius Filii Dei and 666

Pope Pius XII

Adventists like to present a fake papal title as evidence that the papacy is linked to the number 666 found in Revelation 13:18.

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Socrates and Sozomen on Christian observance of the Sabbath

Habakkuk, Septuagint fragment

Adventists quote selectively to make it look like many Christians assembled on the sabbath, every sabbath. It’s clear from the source documents that they fasted on the sabbath, in memory of Jesus being in the tomb – it wasn’t a sabbath observance like the Jews and the Adventists have.

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Adventist misrepresentation of St Patrick

Reputed site of burial of Saint Patrick, in churchyard of cathedral in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

St Patrick is imagined to be a Sabbath keeper by many Adventists. The two writings we have of his, the Confession of St Patrick and his Letter to Coroticus, say nothing about the Sabbath.

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Adventist misrepresentation of The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles

The Synaxis of the holy and the most praiseworthy Twelve Apostles

The section Adventists quote is about the 10 commandments, and amongst the 10 commandments is the commandment about keeping the sabbath. The document is not instructing Christians to keep the sabbath. It’s citing the 10 commandments. That’s not honest quoting on the part of Adventists.

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Ecclesiastes and the dead

Icon of the Resurrection

Ecclesiastes can’t be used to say that there is no consciousness after death, because the author, Solomon, explicitly states that he does not know.

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Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 1

Grumpy woman

Col 2:16 is therefore best interpreted as: “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an [annual] holyday, or of the new moon, or of the [weekly] sabbath days” … thus following a time-line of annual, monthly, weekly.

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Shame on you – Adventists, dishonesty, and the Catholic Church

Jesus doesn't like lies being told about Christians.

Adventists have a reputation for their dishonesty, and not just among Catholics. Out there in real life and on the internet there is a huge collection of anti-Catholic propaganda waiting for gullible Catholics, and others, to ensnare them. When a Catholic meets a certain type of Adventist, this sort of propaganda abounds.

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Dishonest Adventists

Jesus doesn't like lies being told about Christians.

Here are some examples from recent Facebook conversations. Discussions are trimmed to include the relevant bits. Disgusting to read, and disgusting to have to deal with regularly. Not all the “Catholic” discussion is mine; where more than one person was involved in the discussion, they are numbered 1 and 2.

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What Catholics Believe – Sunday observance

The Resurrection of Christ

Catholics (and most other Christians) believe Sunday is a special day to be celebrated, because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead. The Jews kept the Sabbath on Saturday, and this is reflected in the 10 Commandments. However, only the moral code of the Old Testament is applicable to Christians – we don’t need to sacrifice animals, keep Passover, Yom Kippur, or the Sabbath, and we are free from the dietary restrictions as well.

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Pope Francis does not have an Adventist brother

Pope Francis on March 13 2013

When one group of Christians needs to lie about another group of Christians in order to look good and promote their cause, what does that say about them? The commandment not to lie is part of the same set of 10 that contains the commandment to keep the Sabbath. Yet some Sabbath keepers are more than willing to tell lies about the Catholic Church to promote their agenda.

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Fraudulent anti-Catholic Adventist video

Donkey, Boston Public Library

Adventism is well know for those members and clergy who misrepresent the Catholic faith. Not all Adventists are dishonest, and I’ve had apologies from Adventists who acknowledge and regret their church’s dishonesty. Unfortunately, via Tesa Beem at “It’s Okay NOT to be a Seventh-day Adventist”, I’ve seen another example of gross misrepresentation of Catholicism by Adventists.

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Erol – 1 Corinthians 16 verses 1-2

Angry ant

Over at Answering Catholicism, Erol is making some interesting claims about the Catholic Church. Apart from subscribing to the long discredited Vicarius Filii Dei = papal title myth, he has a number of less unreasonable articles about Catholicism, to which he objects.

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More on Sunday and Pope Sylvester I

Michael Schiefler has been trying to squeeze more water out of a stone on his anti-Catholic website. I commented on it before. He seems to think he has the name of the Pope that changed the Sabbath to Sunday nailed down – Pope Sylvester I. Scheifler is basing his claims on second-hand information based on what are probably spurious documents.

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Adventists abusing Socrates

Icon of Christ Crucified, chapel of San Damiano, near Assisi

There are two well-known quote from Socrates’ Ecclesiastical History. I am sure most Adventists and those who have come across what they teach are familiar with them. By taking away context, they hide the truth that these were not Sabbath keepers, but Sunday keepers who had retained the Sabbath as a custom.

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From sunset to sunset

This is the passage that Adventists follow in their sunset to sunset idea of the Sabbath. Most of them don’t realise that this is part of the Mosaic law that they consider abolished, because it does not refer to the Sabbath, but to the Day of Atonement. The author cleverly conceals this fact with “…” and then lies about what the passage is describing.

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