September 2013 archive

Cathoolic – Rosary and Apologetics – Young Evangelists

Icon of the Resurrection

“Cathoolic – New Evangelization and Apologetics. Countering “sheep-stealing” from the Catholic Church” Cathoolic is run by Godwin Delali Adadzie from Ghana, and he also runs two other sites on Catholicism – About the Rosary and Are Catholics Christian? He’s got a short book on the Rosary – visit his Rosary site to get it for your Kindle / PC / other reader.

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The Catholic Apologist – Young Evangelists

Crucifixion from Santa Maria Antiqua

Continuing my posts on young Catholic apologists/evangelists, this is part 2 of 3. A young guy called Joseph has a YouTube channel with (currently) 38 videos defending various Catholic teachings. “To all Catholics in good standing with the Church, I hope that you learn something from these videos that will help you in your life later on. To all non-Catholics and cafeteria Catholics, please be opened to the truth and let God show you the correct path.”

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New Catholic Generation – Young Evangelists

Jacobello Alberegno, Crucifixion, 1375-1397

“New Catholic Generation is an organization composed of all Catholic Teenagers on YouTube testifying to their faith in Jesus Christ.” These people are clearly Catholic apologists in their own right. They know what they believe and share it with others. Most Catholic apologists I follow are older than I am. These apologists of the future are probably all just under half my age. If the Jesuits had the vibrance and spirit of these people, the world would be converted in a matter of weeks.

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Youth and the Latin Mass

Tridentine Mass celebrated on Palm Sunday in the chapel of Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. Photo by John Stephen Dwyer

The Latin Mass is growing in popularity around the world, and over the last few years I’ve seen several reports of how young Catholics are attracted to the ancient Mass. This is a growing movement that I don’t believe can be stopped.

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