May 2018 archive

Troll feeding, part 2

Forest Troll

Adventists are strange things indeed. Experts in deceit. Experts at trolling. Experts at saying the same misconceptions over and over without listening to explanations as to why they are wrong. E.g. why we should all go and commit adultery and murder if we consider the sabbath obsolete. As if repeating the same silly argument will make people change their minds. Intelligent discussion with them is rare, and mostly impossible. I’ve never, never come across a religion with so much dishonesty in it, and with so much dishonesty displayed by its followers.

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Anatomy of an Adventist troll, or troll feeding

Troll, via Uncyclopedia

Out there on the interweb, there are trolls. Many of them. Occasionally I like to feed them. I’d feed them pork, but they’re Adventist, so one of the few rules they have is to not eat pork. (They only have 10 rules, which are to keep the sabbath on Saturday and to not eat pork. Abortion and dishonesty are permitted)

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André Reis and Daniel 8

Map of the breakup of the Greek empire

André Reis, an old “friend” of this blog, has two very interesting posts on Daniel 8 over at Adventist Today and Spectrum. It seems he is disagreeing with the classic Adventist interpretation of Daniel 8, which links the two horns of Daniel 7 and 8 as the same entity, papal Rome. His position on Daniel 8 is much like mine, and much like that of ex-Adventist Dale Ratzlaff over at Life Assurance Ministries. His view disagrees with mine in that I, like Adventists, see the little horns of Daniel 7 and 8 as the same entity, but unlike Adventists, I link them both to Antiochus Epiphanes.

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