Tag: Sabbath

The SSPX preaches fake Sunday history

Constantine the Great

When you listen to a sermon, and the priest tells you something historical, you expect it to be true. Not something he just made up for the sermon.
When you read a church’s website that says they’re celebrating 1700 years of something, you expect that the event being celebrated is a historical one.
With the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) that is unfortunately not the case, as I’ve discovered. What follows here is over and above the fake funerals they tried to con the police into letting them have.

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Holy Calendar

Good News about Saturday

You get religious groups who think the most important thing God wants us to do is to study to find the correct calendar (God’s True Calendar) and then observe it meticulously.
Calendar cults. That’s what they are.
Somehow I ended up in a Facebook group with some of these people. I decided to play a prank. I’d pretend to love the calendar, and I’d go just a little bit further than they usually did in praising it. This is what happened.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 018 – 28 Nov 2020

Dr Ben Carson; photo by Gage Skidmore

Key words: Ben Carson, Church Militant, COVID vaccines, Dick Williamson, Fiona O’Leary, Florian Abrahamowicz, Holy Hotspot, Paul Touvier, Ramon Angles, Sabbath, Sexual abuse, SSPX, SSPX Resistance, Superstition, Theosis, Vaccines

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 013 – 12 Sept 2020

Good News about Saturday

And we begin this series again, as time permits.

Key words: Anthony Cekada, COVID-19, Creationism, Dinosaurs, Last rites, Marcel Lefebvre, Pope Francis, Sabbath, SARS-CoV-2, Sedevacantism, SSPV, SSPX

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 005 – 1 Feb 2020

Adventist dishonesty according to Adventist Today

Key words: Episcopalian consecration, Fatima, Private revelation, Pillars of Adventism, Sabbath, Old Covenant, Diet, Ellen White, Investigative Judgement, Creationism, LBGTQ+

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Replacing Jesus with the sabbath, the Adventist way

Crucifixion, from Polittico di Valle Romita

If you listen to what Adventists say about the sabbath, and replace the word “sabbath” with “Jesus”, you hear the truth. If you don’t replace it, you hear false teaching about a day of the week. This has often been pointed out to me, and I’ve found it works a lot of the time. But not alway as clearly as this post on the “Jesus is a Zebra” blog.

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Quiz: The Sabbath in Acts 13 – Part 2

Still life with Bible, Vincent van Gogh

Acts 13:42-44 (KJV) – And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath. Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.

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Quiz: The Sabbath in Acts 13 – Part 1

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

Acts 13:14 (KJV) – But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.Act 13:42 – And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath.Acts 13:44 …

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Are there examples of Christian sabbath observance in Acts?

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

Adventists claim that there are biblical examples of Christian sabbath observance in the book of Acts.

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Hate mail from an Adventist, May 2019

Angry ant

I got some lovely hate mail from a guy called David Winston. I thought it would be good to share here. It shows how nasty Adventists can be, and how their hatred blinds them to any factual evidence contrary to their way of viewing the world.

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Acts 13 – Returning to hear Paul the next sabbath?

Donkey, Boston Public Library

If Paul observed Sunday and wasn’t keeping the sabbath by preaching in the synagogues on the sabbath, why didn’t he just tell the people to come to his sermon the next day …

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The 10 commandments in full

10 commandments table

What is clear from this table is that there are no deletions by anyone. Every church uses a summary for easy memorisation, but a summary does not mean they have removed anything from the Bible.

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Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 2

Troll, via Uncyclopedia

In my previous post, I looked at how the Bible never calls the sabbath a day of worship. I’ve challenged Adventists to show me where the Bible says it is a day of worship. Needless to say, there were no responses forthcoming that actually provided me with biblical evidence of the Adventist claim.

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Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 1

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

If Adventists are right, even remotely right, there must be some biblical instruction in the Old Testament that the sabbath is God’s decreed day of worship. But there isn’t …

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Sabbath versus circumcision – which is greater?

Lebanon Cedars, Lebanon

It is worth pointing out that in John 7:19-23, Jesus points out that circumcision takes priority over the sabbath, and lists the sabbath as an example of the law of Moses.

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The Feriae of Pope Sylvester I

Pope St Sylvester I

Adventists quote a dubious medieval source that describes something Pope Sylvester may or may not have done centuries earlier. They usually don’t understand what it says.

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Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 2 – Catholicism

Donkey, Boston Public Library

In Part 1 we looked at a striking and honest Adventist acknowledgement of the type of dishonesty that forms part of Adventist culture. Here we’ll look at specific common examples of how dishonest Adventists spread fake facts and fake history.

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Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 1 – Adventism

Adventist dishonesty according to Adventist Today

Adventist Today: “We have in this denomination nurtured a class of people who have little regard for verifiable truth. Some lie intentionally and boldly, such as those who altered that article and passed on the letter as factual. Of the rest, it is unclear to me whether they lack the ability to distinguish a spurious story from a true one, or just prefer to believe any bit of mythology that feeds their hunger for novelty, and affirms their fears. … They preferred titillating myths …”

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A summary of the Sabbath vs Sunday evidence

The Resurrection of Christ

This is a useful summary of the biblical evidence against sabbath observance and for Sunday observance.

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Troll feeding, part 2

Forest Troll

Adventists are strange things indeed. Experts in deceit. Experts at trolling. Experts at saying the same misconceptions over and over without listening to explanations as to why they are wrong. E.g. why we should all go and commit adultery and murder if we consider the sabbath obsolete. As if repeating the same silly argument will make people change their minds. Intelligent discussion with them is rare, and mostly impossible. I’ve never, never come across a religion with so much dishonesty in it, and with so much dishonesty displayed by its followers.

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