Adventists often complain because Catholics count the ten commandments differently, and claim that we have changed things. Here is an Adventist commentary that explains that how they are counted is not important. So if we count it the (western) Catholic way, it’s fine. If we count it the (eastern) Catholic way, like Adventists, it’s also fine.
October 2005 archive
Oct 29 2005
Protesting Adventist singers
A church pastor called deputies to remove 16 congregants who refused to stop singing as he tried to begin his sermon, according to a sheriff’s report. …
Oct 27 2005
Whore of Babylon
The Catholic Church is often called the Whore of Babylon by those who oppose her. But this cannot be, for several reasons. She does not fit the picture painted in Revelation, even though some claim she does.
Oct 23 2005
Spurgeon: the faith that saves is not alone
“But,” says one, “do you wish us to understand, that if a man is to be saved he must use violence and vehement earnestness in order to obtain salvation?” I do, most assuredly; that is the doctrine of the text. “But,” says one, “I thought it was all the work of God.” So it is, from first to last. But when God has begun the work in the soul, the constant effect of God’s work in us is to set us working; and where God’s Spirit is really striving with us, we shall begin to strive too. This is just a test whereby we may distinguish the men who have received the Spirit of God, from those who have not received it. Those who have received the Spirit in verity and truth are violent men. They have a violent anxiety to be saved, and they violently strive that they may enter in at the strait gate. Well they know that seeking to enter in is not enough, for many shall seek to enter in but shall not be able, and therefore do they strive with might and main.
Oct 23 2005
Who changed the Sabbath: Adventist misquoting
Often one sees Adventists quoting Catholic sources to show that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Usually these quotes are either from sources that are not real sources of Catholic teaching (e.g. newspapers) while others are taken out of context.
Oct 23 2005
Adventist Church: “Bible not true”
Since there is an misleading and ongoing thread in various forums about the Catholic Church saying that the Bible is not true, it is appropriate to point out that Adventism, like Catholicism, takes some verses literally, and others it does not take literally. There is no real difference between what each is saying; the difference lies in interpretation, not principle.
Oct 21 2005
Missing Sunday Mass a sin?
Unless there is a good reason not to, refusal to worship with fellow Christians must be seen in a negative light – it is not good for the Christian, and it is not good for the fellowship of the Church. It is in that sense that not going to church is considered to be a sin. That is the moral sense that existed when the Sabbath was in force as well, and while the timing on the 7th day is no longer of importance to Christians, the same moral requirement to worship God applies to Christians on Sundays, Easter, Christmas, and any day when the faithful gather together as a group to celebrate some aspect of Christ’s life and work. For those who still keep the 7th day, God will judge their hearts, not their calendar, and so the same moral principle would apply to them regarding the Sabbath.