January 2020 archive

Adventist and Catholic News & Views 004 – 25 Jan 2020 – Vaccine edition

Science and feelings

Key words: Vaccines, Vaccination, Antivax, Health message, Childhood immunizations, Religious exemptions, Bioethics

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Coronaviruses and Catholics

Coronaviruses - electron microscopy

Everyone now knows about the Wuhan coronavirus, aka 2019-nCoV, a betacoronavirus related to the SARS coronavirus that has emerged from China. It has spread to various locations around the world, not in large numbers though. Human-to-human spread is possible; the details of how and when are not yet clear. If virus only transmits when the person is symptomatic (like other viruses in this group), it will be fairly easy to control. China has closed various borders. The big unknown is that China has been less than honest with the result of the world.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 003 – 17 Jan 2020

Pope Benedict XVI wearing a camauro

Key words: Eastern Catholic Churches, Orthodox Churches, Ratzinger, Ratzinger Proposal, Zogby Initiative, Sexual assault, Proclamation, Hell, Cult, Mixed marriage, Christmas, Pagan, Order of Malta, Cardinal Burke, Mister McCarrick, Vaccines, Kari Paulsen, Syro-Malabar Church, Latinisation

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Margam Kali – your thoughts?

The 23 Rites / Churches sui iuris of the Catholic Church

Margam Kali. What are your thoughts?

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 002 – 8 Jan 2020

Christmas trees

Key words: Pontifical secret, Slap, PopeSlap, Diet, Bias in research, Religious discrimination, Resignation, Pope Francis, Vegetarianism, Supreme Court, Voting, John Shin, Mayo Clinic

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Is Pope Francis intending to resign soon?

Pope Francis in the Philippines

That looks a little like preparation for the end of his papacy. Should we be concerned? Are there other subtle signs, like the one where Pope Benedict XVI laid his pallium on the tomb of Pope Celestine V?

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Aggressive woman grabs Pope Francis, gets a well-deserved #popeslap on the wrist

Pope Francis, in pain, being pulled

On New Year’s Eve, Pope Francis was greeting people who were behind a barricade. As he was turning away, a woman grabbed his hand and pulled, nearly pulling him over. He tried to pull his hand away, clearly in pain, and she refused to let it go. He was trapped in her grasp and could not get free. So he followed that up with a slap on her wrist. She finally loosened her grip (with the help of the security guy) and he was able to pull his hand away. Surrounding spectators looked at her in disgust.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 001 – 2 Jan 2020

Declaration of Schism by Hermits of Westray

Key words: Ganoune Diop, Book Dispenser, Ordination of women in Adventism, Sabbath myths, Hermits of Westray, Vigano, Pope Francis, Miracles

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The Hermits of Westray withdraw from the Catholic Church

West coast of Westray

The hermits of Westray are a group of Catholics (now ex-Catholics) who have voiced their dissent from Pope Francis’ teaching. They resided in the Catholic Diocese of Argyll and the Isles in Scotland. They formally withdrew from communion with Rome and Pope Francis sometime in April 2019, perhaps a bit before. Their formal act of schism has now been recognised by their bishop, Bishop Brian McGee, who has made the position official from his side by issuing a formal excommunication.

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