- General
- Adventism and prophecy
- Anti-Catholic propaganda
- Falsehoods about the Catholic Church
- Adventist holy days and Christian holy days
- The state of the dead, or Soul sleep
- Diet and alcohol
- Adventists and Abortion
- Baptism
- Jesus – God or not?
- The Bible and the Clear Word “Bible”
- Ellen Gould White, prophetess
- Samuele Bacchiocchi
- Converts from Adventism / Sabbatarianism
- Fred Mazzaferri

James and Ellen White
How to say Adventism, and their 28th Fundamental Belief
Does Adventism teach a deficient Gospel?
Galatians 4: Adventists are Hagar, Christians are Sarah
Are Adventists really Christian? Are they authentic Trinitarians?
When did Adventism lose the truth?
Line upon line – interpreting the Bible
Orthodox, Catholics, and Adventism
Modern vs. Postmodern Adventism
The South African Great Disappointment – Adventism and racism in South Africa
A positive Adventist experience of Catholicism
God reaching out through space and time – guest post on an Adventist blog
God’s visible grace – guest post on an Adventist blog
Adventism and the ordination of women
Adventist “Responsive Reading” is Catholic in origin
The Truth About Seventh-day Adventist “Truth” … Dale Ratzlaf [PDF, Internet archive]
Take the SDA Truth Challenge …
Free ebook – Catholic Discussion of Seventh-day Adventism

Daniel 2 Explained, adapted from FreeBibleImages, CC BY-NC 4.0
Adventism and prophecy
Did the papacy really uproot the 3 horns of Daniel 7:8,24 ?
The 3 horns and the Ostrogoths
Refuting an Adventist theory without providing a replacement theory
Daniel series:
- Introduction
- Daniel chapter 8
- Daniel chapter 7
- The little horns and Antiochus
- Daniel chapter 2
- Daniel chapter 9
- Matthew 24 – The Olivet Prophecy
Was the Papacy founded in 538 AD? … by Matthew Newsome [here via the Internet Archive]
Is the Pope in Daniel? – a critique of Adventist prophetic interpretation … by William Cork [Internet archive]
Vicarius Filii Dei – Vicar of the Son of God – imaginary title … Catholic Answers / New Advent [about 1/3 of the way down the page] — “Since the average person, Catholic or Protestant, hasn’t the foggiest idea what the pope’s titles are in Latin or English, anti-Catholics (some of whom know better) can get away with this subterfuge.”
Samuele Bacchiocchi and HH Pope Benedict XVI
Adventist prophecy limited to the West
Seventh-day Adventists and 666
Bacchiocchi, 666, and Vicarius Filii Dei
Michael Scheifler and Pope Vicarius II
Bible Quiz – the day and hour of Jesus return
Is Jesus in the “secret chambers”?
Pope Francis and the microchip
Anti-Catholic propaganda
Adventist anti-Catholic hatred is alive and well
The Da Vinci Code – Adventist Review
Adventist “Antichrist” sign sparks free-speech holy war … at
Fraudulent anti-Catholic Adventist video
Pope Francis does not have an Adventist brother
Pope Francis – Jesus’ failure on the cross?
Just Who Did Change The Ten Commandments? … by Bob Stanley + Stephen Korsman
Displaying the 10 Commandments
What is the ministry of death?
The 10 Commandments and the New Law in Catholic teaching
Adventists make a graven image
Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 1 – Adventism
Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 2 – Catholicism
The Roman Catholic Church and the Decalogue … by Dr. Verle Streifling, an Evangelical Protestant [PDF]
Counting Commandments … Biblical Research Institute (an Adventist defence of the Catholic numbering)
More Vicarius Thrills – the numbers of the beast and the men who flub them … by Patrick Madrid
Bacchiocchi, 666, and Vicarius Filii Dei
Michael Scheifler and Pope Vicarius II
Of Sunbursts, Baals, and Adventist Paranoia – proof that Catholicism isn’t pagan … by Mario Derksen
The Whore of Babylon and the Catholic Church … by John Hellman
Falsehoods about the Catholic Church
How to study Adventism and Catholicism – an example … by Bob Stanley
Adventist dishonesty in the way they present the Catholic faith
Shame on you – Adventists, dishonesty, and the Catholic Church
The use of statues, pictures, and other icons in worship
Adventist desperation on Usenet – Statues and idols
Constantine, the Papacy, and the real origins of Sunday
Who changed the Sabbath: Adventist misquoting
Socrates and Sozomen on Christian observance of the Sabbath
Did Constantine found the Catholic Church?
Does the pope claim to be God on earth?
Did Catholics change the Bible?
Adventist holy days and Christian holy days
Christian holy days – a gift to Jesus
What Catholics Believe – Sunday observance
Is Easter Christian? A reply to Samuele Bacchiocchi
Is “Easter” a pagan feast? … Orthodox Church in America
Should Adventists celebrate the Resurrection with the rest of Christianity?
Calculating Christmas … by William J. Tighe
Christmas is Celebrated in Heaven and on Earth … Robert Clanton [Truth or Fables]
Why Dec. 25th? … by Joseph Kelly [Internet Archive link]
Should Tammuz and Nimrod determine Christian practice?
When was the Day of Atonement in 1844?
3 days and 3 nights – from when till when?
The state of the dead, or Soul sleep
Adventists believe that at death, a human becomes unconscious, and remains so until the end of time, when Christ raises the dead back to life, some to be annihilated in fire, some to life forever in God’s Kingdom. But this is not the biblical view of the state of the dead.
Soul sleep – are the dead alive in heaven, or not?
And no man hath ascended up to heaven
You will be with me in paradise today
Soul sleep and Seventh Day Adventism … by Mario Derksen [also on the Internet Archive]
The Biblical Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment for the Wicked (contra Michael Scheifler) … by Mario Derksen [Internet archive]
An Examination of Conditional Immortality, Soul Sleep, and Annihilationism … by Phil Porvaznik [Internet archive]
The Bible disproves soul sleep … Ecclesia Triumphans [Internet archive]
Seven Kinds of Ghosts (Revised) … by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM
Absent from the body, present with the Lord – What does Paul teach in 2 Corinthians? … Dale Ratzlaf
A Dead Doctrine? … Dale Ratzlaf [PDF, Proclamation 2001, May/June edition, page 2]
Re-thinking life after death … Jerry Gladston [PDF, Proclamation 2001, May/June edition, page 4]
The Nature of Man and Death … Verle Streifling [PDF, Proclamation 2001, May/June edition, page 10]
Sal’s questions and answers – Sabbath, soul sleep, infant baptism
What Ancient Jews Really Believed About the Afterlife … by Jimmy Akin
What Josephus Really Said About Reincarnation … by Jimmy Akin
Diet and alcohol
Clean and unclean meat, part 1
Clean and unclean meat, part 2
Bible Quiz: Are unclean meats still unclean for Christians?
Debate about Old Testament food laws … Stephen Korsman vs “Annie” Adventist
Why a bishop may not drink grape juice
Wine and Adventism – an admission
Adventists and Abortion
Abortion and Seventh-day Adventism
Adventism cannot be the true remnant church
Adventist abortion is the healing ministry of Jesus
Adventists and abortion – updated again
Laughable arguments – baptism, immersion, and Adventists
Bible Quiz – Baptism by Immersion
Jesus – God or not?
The Divinity of Christ, for Jehovah’s Witnesses and others
Biblical proof the Jesus is God … by Dave Armstrong
The Bible and the Clear Word “Bible”
The Clear Word Bible: Is It Really the Word of God? … by Dale Ratzlaff and Verle Streifling
Seventh-day Adventists are tampering with the Word of God! … by Dale Ratzlaff [Internet archive]
Adventist pastor – Bible contains truth, but also “opinion”
Adventist pastor gives an example of uninspired statements by Paul in the Bible
Adventist Church: “Bible not true”
Adventists changing the Bible?
Whose truth is the real truth, and how can we know?
Quiz: What is the pillar and foundation of truth for Christians?
The Law of God vs the Law of Moses
Ellen Gould White, prophetess
Ellen Gould White is a very important figure in the Adventist church. To many Adventists, she is a prophetess who was given a revelation by God. But did she really get her visions from God? Did she really write her own books? Are her teachings and prophecies in agreement with biblical principles? And what else did she teach that concerns modern Christians?
Albigensians, Waldensians, and Ellen White
The animal origins of non-white people
Ellen White’s inspiration on a par with the Bible
Call no man Father? Tell Ellen White!
Thus saith Ellen – article series
- Thus saith Ellen, part 1 – Christians pray to Satan?
- Thus saith Ellen, part 2 – Call no man Father?
- Thus saith Ellen, part 3 – Jesus is not God
- Thus saith Ellen, part 4 – The 10 commandments
- Thus saith Ellen, part 5 – The day and the hour
Seventh-day Adventists and 666 … by Bob Stanley
Following the False Prophet … by Bob Stanley
The day and hour – Ellen White
Worshipping Ellen White, Bacchiocchi, and the Catholic Church
Ellen White’s Plagiarism of Apocrypha and Fiction – EGW Research Project
Ellen G. White – Prophet or Pretender? …
An e-mail from Ellen White (!) … to Stephen Korsman
Legal attack on The Ellen White Research Project
Update: Ex-Adventist website shut down
Ellen White: Women have less vital force than men
Ellen White on the deification of man
A Novena for Adventists
Day 1 – Saturday 18th November – Anti-Catholic teachings
Day 2 – Sunday 19th November – The Investigative Judgement
Day 3 – Monday 20th November – Persecution
Day 4 – Tuesday 21st November – False Prophecies
Day 5 – Wednesday 22nd November – The Dietary Laws of Moses
Day 6 – Thursday 23rd November – Soul Sleep
Day 7 – Friday 24th November – The Sabbath
Day 8 – Saturday 25th November – The Mass
Day 9 – Sunday 26th November – The Saints of the Church
The end of the Novena
Samuele Bacchiocchi
Samuele Bacchiocchi and the Gregorian controversy – 11-part series discussing Bacchiocchi’s claims regarding his book, “From Sabbath to Sunday”
Bacchiocchi’s thesis – the Gregorian Controversy, May 6, 2006
Allegations regarding Bacchiocchi’s dissertation, October 26, 2006
Bacchiocchi’s current crisis, October 27, 2006
Which chapter did Sam publish?, October 28, 2006
Bacchiocchi – images of his diploma and medal, October 31, 2006, 10:27 pm
Bacchiocchi’s response to the Gregorian debate, November 14, 2006, 10:37 pm
Second part of Bacchiocchi’s response, December 7, 2006, 8:36 pm
Latest update on Bacchiocchi, December 24, 2006, 2:35 am
If Gregorian is wrong, December 24, 2006, 4:06 am
Detailed Bacchiocchi analysis on the XCG blog, January 1, 2007, 7:47 pm
The Gregorian responds, March 9, 2007, 10:46 pm
Bacchiocchi – Some things Paul wrote are unacceptable
Bacchiocchi on the 58th General Conference
Dies Domini – a response to Samuele Bacchiocchi
Bacchiocchi: When did Adventism lose the truth?
Bacchiocchi, 666, and Vicarius Filii Dei
Worshipping Ellen White, Bacchiocchi, and the Catholic Church
The 4th Commandment and Bacchiocchi
Is Easter Christian? A reply to Samuele Bacchiocchi
Samuele Bacchiocchi and HH Pope Benedict XVI
Samuele Bacchiocchi, requiescas in pace
Converts from Adventism / Sabbatarianism
Testimony – Adventist converts to Maronite Catholic
From Prophetess to Pope – Conversion Story of Arthur and Teresa Beem
It’s Ok Not to be a Seventh-Day Adventist – book review by Stephen Korsman – book by Teresa and Arthur Beem
Dr. Beverly Whelton – The Journey Home … EWTN via Stephen Korsman
True Faith – a website run by ex-Adventists who became Serbian Orthodox
The Sabbath and the Catholic Church – Testimony of an ex-WCG member … by Dan Severino
Letter of Resignation from the Seventh-day Adventist church … by Tesa and Arthur Beem
Former SDA Pastor, Greg Taylor’s complete “Manifesto” … by Greg Taylor [PDF]
Adventist youth – the challenge of truth, link to Hugo Mendez
Testimony of an ex-Adventist #3 … entering the Catholic Church
Testimony of an ex-Adventist #4 … became Catholic
Testimony of an ex-Adventist #5 … became Catholic
Dr. Fred Mazzaferri – 5 essays on Adventist theology [PDF]
Dr. Fred Mazzaferri writes this brief series of instructive essays for us from Australia. He gained his PhD at Scotland’s conservative University of Aberdeen in 1986, following a fruitful career in telecommunications. He specialises in the rather enigmatic Book of Revelation. He has further qualified to pen such critiques through his extensive knowledge of the Seventh-day Adventist Church gained in close personal contact with its extremely self-destructive turmoils in recent decades. Hence his keen interest in assisting both lay and professional Christians in transition from sectarian organisations.
Printing of these PDF files: Please note that they are on A4 size paper, and if you want to print them on Letter-sized paper, commonly used in the USA and elsewhere, you should reduce their size when printing. This can be done by checking the “Fit to page” option.
1. Seventh-day Adventism’s Dogma of an Investigative Judgement through Ellen White’s eyes
4. One furnace too many: Ellen White garbles her own theology of the pre-Advent time of trouble
5. Not a single drop of martyr blood? The crisis of confidence threatening Ellen White’s devotees