When you listen to a sermon, and the priest tells you something historical, you expect it to be true. Not something he just made up for the sermon.
When you read a church’s website that says they’re celebrating 1700 years of something, you expect that the event being celebrated is a historical one.
With the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) that is unfortunately not the case, as I’ve discovered. What follows here is over and above the fake funerals they tried to con the police into letting them have.
Tag: Sunday
Apr 02 2019
When did Jesus die and rise from the dead?
When did Jesus rise from the dead?
On the 3rd day – Matt 16:21, Matt 17:23, Matt 20:19, Matt 27:64, Mark 9:31, Mark 10:34, Luke 9:22, Luke 18:33, Luke 24:7, Luke 24:46
On the first day of the week – Luke 24:21
Apr 02 2019
3 days and 3 nights – timeline charts
Some people think Jesus died on a Wednesday or Thursday, and rose on the sabbath. That means the first day of the week, which Luke says is the 3rd day since the Crucifixion, was really the 5th day, or 4th day, going by the way the Bible counts. But what’s a day or two between friends?
Apr 02 2019
On the THIRD day – getting it right
Think about this quickly. Jesus died on a Wednesday. He rose on the sabbath. The next day, Sunday, was the third day since the Crucifixion, which was five days previously. And Jesus rose on the third day.
Huh? That makes no sense, you say? Quite right, it doesn’t. Yet some people, especially the Church of God (CoG) movement derived from Herbert Armstrong, get it muddled to that degree.
Jan 05 2019
Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 2
In my previous post, I looked at how the Bible never calls the sabbath a day of worship. I’ve challenged Adventists to show me where the Bible says it is a day of worship. Needless to say, there were no responses forthcoming that actually provided me with biblical evidence of the Adventist claim.
Jan 04 2019
Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 1
If Adventists are right, even remotely right, there must be some biblical instruction in the Old Testament that the sabbath is God’s decreed day of worship. But there isn’t …
Sep 16 2018
The Feriae of Pope Sylvester I
Adventists quote a dubious medieval source that describes something Pope Sylvester may or may not have done centuries earlier. They usually don’t understand what it says.
Aug 10 2018
The Protestant Reformers and the Jewish sabbath
Some Adventists and sabbatarians like to claim that the reformers knew that keeping the sabbath was biblical, but they kept Sunday instead because the Holy Spirit hadn’t led them to that light yet. Other dishonest Adventists and sabbatarians like to quote Protestant “admissions” that there is no reason to observe Sunday and that the Bible teaches that we should be keeping the Saturday sabbath.
Jun 16 2018
A summary of the Sabbath vs Sunday evidence
This is a useful summary of the biblical evidence against sabbath observance and for Sunday observance.
Apr 10 2017
Jewish holy days fulfilled
Some Christians don’t like to celebrate the events in Jesus’ life, and they follow a pseudo-Jewish calendar that includes passover and the other Jewish holy days.
Apr 03 2017
The Passover of the Jews
Three times the Bible refers to Passover as the Passover of the Jews. John 2:13, John 6:4, John 11:55.
Mar 27 2017
3 days and 3 nights – from when till when?
Did Jesus die on a Friday and rise from the dead on a Sunday? Or did he die on a Wednesday or Thursday? And did he rise from the dead on a Saturday?
Dec 09 2016
Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath
With no weekly 7th day sabbath under the New Covenant, Christians chose the most important day of the week to hold as special – Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead.
Aug 05 2016
Adventist misrepresentation of The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles
The section Adventists quote is about the 10 commandments, and amongst the 10 commandments is the commandment about keeping the sabbath. The document is not instructing Christians to keep the sabbath. It’s citing the 10 commandments. That’s not honest quoting on the part of Adventists.
Mar 24 2016
The Sabbath ended on a Thursday
Aug 21 2015
Where is Sunday condemned in the Bible?
Jul 11 2015
Ellen White centenary prayers (novena) – Day 4
Today, leading up to the centenary of Ellen White’s death, we pray for Adventism, which teaches rest on the 7th day, and objects when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection on the 8th day. We pray that they may discover that their rest is in Christ, that we are not bound by days that were signs of the Old Covenant, that they may commemorate the new creation in Christ, instead of the old creation in Adam, and that they may celebrate our exodus from sin and not just Israel’s exodus from Egypt.