August 2005 archive

Pope John Paul I to Pinocchio

Pope John Paul I

Albino Luciani, later to become the Smiling Pope, HH Pope John Paul I, 263rd Successor of St Peter, pope from 26 August to 28 September 1978, wrote several letters to fictional or historical characters. These were compiled into a book entitled “Illustrissimi” – currently out of print, but I found a second hand copy on

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And no man hath ascended up to heaven

Adventists and others often use the following verse to show that Catholics are wrong in saying that the souls of the dead can go to heaven immediately after death: (Joh 3:13 KJV) And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

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Isaiah 66 – from one sabbath to another

“From one week to another, and from one month to another…” NOT thinking of the Jew’s weekly feasts or monthly feasts, but simply of the continual passing of times of continual worship to YHWH.

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The Clear Word Bible

The Clear Word Bible is an Adventist production of the quality of the New World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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Dignitatis Felidae – an upcoming papal encyclical

Maggie: RIP - 1990 - 23 April 2006

On his blog at Musum Pontificalis, he gives us a glimpse of his upcoming encyclical, Of the Dignity of Cats – Dignitatis Felidae. As he says, he has let the cat out of the bag, but HE Francis Cardinal Arinze has suggested that it be delayed until 24 other encyclicals have been written.

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MegaShift or Jack Chick? has given James Rutz, chairman of Megashift Ministries, a free hand to proclaim his version of the truth, which appears to be very similar to that of Jack Chick. His article is filled with the usual anti-Catholic propaganda, and doesn’t seem to deal much in facts or accurate statistics; nor does he seem interested in substantiating his claims.

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Questions on Doctrine

The saving grace of the entire situation is that the Adventists fortunately deny the logical conclusions to which their doctrines must lead them; i.e. a negation of the full validity of the atonement of Christ, which validity they absolutely confirm, and embrace with considerable fervor – a paradoxical situation at best!

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From the Pope to Harry Potter

This is what the Pope has to say about Harry Potter on his very own blog, Musum Pontificalis

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When did Adventism lose the truth?

Bacchiocchi: “It is noteworthy that Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as the various churches stemming from Church of God Seventh Day (Worldwide Church of God, United Church of God, Church of God International, etc.), inherited the view of Christ as the first creature of God from our own Seventh-day Adventist Church. The reason is that they left our Adventist church prior to our acceptance of the doctrine of the TRINITY.”

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Modern vs. Postmodern Adventism

Theologically, the post-modernists are correct. Ellen White was not inspired. She made plenty of errors in her writings and in her theology. Adventism is not a remnant any more than the Jehovah’s Witnesses are, any more than Herbert Armstrong, Mary Baker Eddy, or Joseph Smith were.

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Catholic Adventism?

That is very much a Catholic principle (Catholic means universal) for which Catholicism has, at times, been criticised by patriotic American Protestants. It’s good to see that Bacchiocchi, and Adventist leaders at the General Conference, have recognised the truth in the Catholic position.

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Bacchiocchi, 666, and Vicarius Filii Dei

Thank you, Dr Bacchiocchi, for that honesty. The Pope’s tiara does not have the words Vicarius Filii Dei on them. The phrase is not, and never was, used as an official papal title. It’s an anti-Catholic manipulation of a real papal title – Vicarius Christi. So Adventism’s leaders are coming round to accepting the facts … Bacchiocchi denies the Adventist tradition of Vicarius Filii Dei, a name that never existed. With time, all will.

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“Whatever happened to Sunday?”

Sometimes we should look past Adventism’s devotion to the Sabbath and see in it their devotion to God.

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Why Do We Worship on Sunday?

Sunday, not Saturday, is the Christian Sabbath. To continue to observe the fourth commandment on the last day of the week is to deny, by implication, the coming of Christ and his once and for all redemptive work. On the other hand, observing Sunday testifies to the fact that Christ has conquered sin and death so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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