September 2020 archive

Maskless till the end, the SSPX way

Charles Darwin, 1883

On 24 Sept, it was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the SSPX seminary in Switzerland.

As I said before, with the SSPX the rot goes all the way to the top. I only know of our local SSPX cleric who told his congregation that the law doesn’t apply to them, but in at least 3 countries there have been altercations between the SSPX and law enforcement. That they are above the law is obviously not the published official policy of the SSPX, but it may well be the unspoken unpublished version.

The June ordinations in Switzerland demonstrated that their leadership had absolutely no regard for the safety of others when it came to social distancing and wearing masks.

The same was obvious on 24 September, with their Pontifical High Mass for the transfer of founder Archbishop Lefebvre’s body to another location. No social distancing. No masks.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 014 – 26 Sept 2020

Pope Francis giving a polio vaccine

Key words: Baptism, Catechesis, Convert, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Vaccine, COVID-19, COVID vaccine, Hiroshima, Invalid baptism, Loma Linda, Mark Galli, Orthodox, Pope Francis, Quackery, Vaccine

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St Marys, Kansas – an SSPX town

Catholic church, St Marys, Kansas, USA, 1851

My blog series on the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) and the COVID pandemic has caught the attention of at least one person in St Marys, Kansas, USA. So I’ll say hello here to all the other St Marys residents too.
Hello to St Marys, Kansas!!

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Video: The Truth about the SSPX

SSPX ordinations 27 June 2020 - no masks visible

Below is Patrick Coffin’s video about the SSPX. Very enlightening, especially about the way cults avoid facts, accuse those who disagree of hatred, claim victim-hood, and deflect.

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The Feast of Pope St Liberius of Rome, 23 Sept

Pope St Liberius

In the West, we’ve forgotten that Pope Liberius was celebrated as a saint for over a millennium, with his feast day on 23 September. Venerable Cardinal Caesar Baronius’ 1586 revisions of the Roman Martyrology removed his feast, possibly to avoid further conflict with the Protestants. Pope St Liberius refused to condemn St Athanasius, for which he was briefly imprisoned. While imprisoned, he was forced to sign an apparently semi-Arian document, an act he repented of later.

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SSPX quiz answers

Liturgy of St James - Bread and Wine prior to Consecration

There are a few questions in the SSPX quiz that are related to specific facts/concepts, and people tend to answer “Unsure” or its equivalent. I’ll give the answers here.

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Quiz time – SSPX and COVID

Take the SSPX COVID-19 quiz now!

A fun quiz to take about the SSPX situation and other things.

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SSPX wore masks today! Well done!

Biohazard logo

The SSPX in Cape Town (and all over the world) have been problematic with their views on COVID-19 prevention.
The local community has commented on their masklessness. Today they wore masks.
Congratulations to all those who wear masks.
Doing so saves lives.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 013 – 12 Sept 2020

Good News about Saturday

And we begin this series again, as time permits.

Key words: Anthony Cekada, COVID-19, Creationism, Dinosaurs, Last rites, Marcel Lefebvre, Pope Francis, Sabbath, SARS-CoV-2, Sedevacantism, SSPV, SSPX

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The SSPX – COVID and religious quackery

Archbishop Lefebvre illicitly saying Mass in 1981 while suspended a divinis

The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) in Cape Town seems to have adopted quack science and fake news as their foundation for dealing with the COVID epidemic.

That was reported/discussed here and here and here. From initial underground Mass games during lockdown, through clerical encouragement of singing because the devil doesn’t like their singing, to utter disregard for wearing masks and social distancing, the activities of the SSPX have more than convinced me that they are a cult willing to spread disease without regard whatsoever for the safety of other Capetonians.

Now I focus on whether their theology is similar in nature to their belief in quack science and fake news.

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SSPX Resistance, the spin-off

Bishop Richard Williamson, suspended

I recently discovered another horrific story about a radical traditionalist group behaving similarly towards COVID. Called SSPX Resistance, they are an SSPX spinoff who followed the weirdest SSPX bishop, Bishop Williamson, after he was excommunicated from the SSPX. He’s the guy who publicly claimed on Swedish television that the Holocaust never happened, on the same day he was un-excommunicated from the real Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI.

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SSPX – the Dangers of a Cult Mentality

The International Seminary of Saint Pius X in Écône

Previously we looked at clear, plain statements from three popes (and others) that confirmed that the relationship between the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) and the Catholic Church is not one of “full communion”. Now we’ll look at how they are a good example of a group with a cult mentality.

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Is the SSPX in schism from the Catholic Church?

Archbishop Lefebvre in 1981 - suspended even from hearing confessions barring an emergency

“For the pastoral benefit of these faithful, and trusting in the good will of their priests to strive with God’s help for the recovery of full communion in the Catholic Church, I have personally decided to extend this faculty beyond the Jubilee Year …”

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