Tag: Christian worship

Christmas resources – 2019

Protestant idolatry

Resources for understanding the Christian nature of Christmas

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Jesus our Rising Sun, Light of the World

The Resurrection of Christ

Adventists shy away from anything to do with the sun. Sun worship, they say. But comparing God to the sun is not wrong.

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3 days and 3 nights – from when till when?

Myrrh bearers

Did Jesus die on a Friday and rise from the dead on a Sunday? Or did he die on a Wednesday or Thursday? And did he rise from the dead on a Saturday?

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Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath

Icon of the Resurrection

With no weekly 7th day sabbath under the New Covenant, Christians chose the most important day of the week to hold as special – Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead.

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Christian holy days – a gift to Jesus

Midnight Mass 2012

Adventists, and others, dislike the way the Catholic Church has set aside various days of the year for celebrating Jesus Christ. They label such things as “pagan” even if they aren’t pagan at all. (The word “pagan” is a synonym for “Catholic” amongst many of this crowd, irrespective of actual religious origins of any practice or teaching.)

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God’s visible grace

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

Guest post at the blog Reinventing the Adventist Wheel.

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Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 2

Full moon, NASA

Several times in the Old Testament, and twice in the New Testament, we see Israel’s holy days listed in various time-based sequences, usually from frequent to infrequent (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, multi-annual). Not every list covers all 5 frequencies, but you see that they are listed in a logical order.

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Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 1

Grumpy woman

Col 2:16 is therefore best interpreted as: “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an [annual] holyday, or of the new moon, or of the [weekly] sabbath days” … thus following a time-line of annual, monthly, weekly.

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The Divine Liturgy and Salvation

Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk

Reborn Pure, about whom I’ve blogged before, has posted her introduction to the Divine Liturgy of the Eastern Catholic Churches on YouTube. Really worth watching. And a video on salvation (the Protestant vs Orthodox views) by Fr Steve Robinson.

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What Catholics Believe – Mary, the Virgin Mother of God

Madonna enthroned with Angels

As the symbol of the Church, and as the first Christian, Mary is now what we will become. She birthed God into the world; we are called to bring God to others. She was sinless; we will be made spotless. She was taken body and soul into heaven; we will ultimately be resurrected and our bodies reunited with our souls in heaven.

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Testimony – Adventist converts to Maronite Catholic

St John Maron

This is a series of e-mails I got from a lady who converted from Anglican to Adventist, spent 20 years as an Adventist, realised how wrong it was, went back to the Anglican church for a while, and then finally converted to the Catholic faith. … “I have only recently discovered your Catholic help webpage on the net and wish to thank you for your courage in sharing your faith, plus the extensive biblical/Early Church Fathers debunking of SDA teachings re Catholic Christianity, salvation, the role of Jesus Christ etc. that you have made available.”

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What Catholics Believe – Sunday observance

The Resurrection of Christ

Catholics (and most other Christians) believe Sunday is a special day to be celebrated, because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead. The Jews kept the Sabbath on Saturday, and this is reflected in the 10 Commandments. However, only the moral code of the Old Testament is applicable to Christians – we don’t need to sacrifice animals, keep Passover, Yom Kippur, or the Sabbath, and we are free from the dietary restrictions as well.

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Things the next Pope will not do

The Southern Cross, the weekly South African Catholic newspaper, has a letter and an article hoping for something that will not happen. … Abandon the Sign of the Cross? … Deus avertat! Hopefully they will recognise that we need another Pope Benedict. We need orthodoxy.

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23 Catholic Churches

The 23 Rites / Churches sui iuris of the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church consists, currently, of 23 different Churches sui iuris. “Sui iuris” means autonomous, although all are united under the leadership of the Pope. Each Church is known as a particular Church, and the Pope, in addition to being leader of all 23, also has the authority over the Latin Church that the Patriarchs have over their sui iuris Churches. All except the Latin Church are Eastern Churches. Not all Churches have Patriarchs – some have Major Archbishops, some Metropolitans, and the rest have hierarchs with other names. They all have their own liturgies, known by various names such as Mass (in the West), Divine Liturgy, Holy Qurbana, and others.

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Debate with André Reis

Angry ant

These comments were originally posted in the comments section of Dr Francis Beckwith comes home. They have been moved here. This is an example of a futile debate with an Adventist who only wishes to preach at Catholics. This is one of the reasons Adventists have little credibility with other Christians.

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Why we keep Sunday

Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

Hi I am curious and am searching on why should we keep the Sunday worship. That is the only question I want to know can you please tell me the answer. I’m not good with the computer So please can you explain.

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“The Sabbath, is of utmost importance!!”

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

One of the comments there is worth highlighting. It’s a wonderful example of how the Sabbath gets read into the New Testament Christian life without biblical support. “Sure, Korsman is right about there being no command in the New Testament to keep the Sabbath, and no clear cases where the New Testament Christians kept it …” Stark admission. But that’s where it ends.

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Christmas is not pagan

Midnight Mass 2012

Again from the SDA2RC blog, something the Worldwide Church of God splinter groups, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and some Adventists, such as Bacchiocchi, need to consider – the evidence that Christmas was not derived from a pagan celebration.

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Dating Christmas

Midnight Mass 2012

The SDA2RC blog has an article on Christmas from the Catholic News Service. Wikipedia and Truth or Fables also have articles showing that Christmas is truly Christian, not a pagan celebration. Something worth reading for those who object to “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”

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Adventist desperation on Usenet – Statues and idols

Grumpy woman

People like Andrew spend their time so grossly and dishonestly misrepresenting Catholicism, that the end result is that they misrepresent their own denomination by giving the false impression that Adventists are unscrupulous, and will stoop to incredible depths to attack other faiths. Ultimately, this only serves to benefit Catholicism – the only people who remain to take his side are equally unscrupulous characters, leaving the rest disgusted, and with a better understanding of what Catholicism really believes and practices.

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