November 2022 archive

Can Pope Francis grant schismatics faculties?

Pope Francis in Korea

An important point been raised by sympathisers suggesting that schism doesn’t exist: the granting of faculties to SSPX priests for valid confession. This is unusual, unheard of, and suspended priests and schismatic priests do not have faculties, and therefore they cannot be suspended and/or schismatic.

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SSPX is in schism due to lack of faith

Archbishop Lefebvre in 1981 - suspended even from hearing confessions barring an emergency

The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) was born in an act of schism stemming from a loss of faith and trust in God and his Church.

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Yes, the SSPX is schismatic

Carlo Maria Vigano in 2013

Recently, Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Athanasius Schneider opined that the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) is not in schism. Vigano claimed that Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX founder, was a holy man who demonstrated great fidelity to the Church.

I beg to differ.

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Jimmy Akin evaluates Ellen White

Ellen White icon

Jimmy Akin has two videos on YouTube evaluating Ellen White and her prophecies and her status as a prophet.

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