In Matt 24, Jesus outlines the events occurring at the end of the age. Does this mean the end of the world, sometime in the future? Probably not. Jesus specified that these events would happen in the lifetime of those he was speaking to – Matt 24:34. Furthermore, Jesus did indeed come at the end of an age, according to Heb 9:26 and 1 Cor 10:11 – and then God’s relationship with Israel ended with Israel being called a harlot, and the Old Covenant came to an end.
December 2017 archive
Dec 03 2017
The Prophecies of Daniel – Daniel 9
The prophecy is this: 70 weeks until a messiah, or type of the Messiah, comes. From the command to restore and build Jerusalem till this messiah comes will be 7 weeks and 62 weeks. After 62 weeks this messiah will be cut off.
Dec 03 2017
The Prophecies of Daniel – Daniel 2
The prophecy is this: Nebuchadnezzar saw an image in a dream. The image had the following characteristics: The head was made of gold; The chest and arms were made of silver; The belly and thighs were made of brass; The legs were made of iron, and the feet partly of iron and partly of clay. A stone hit the feet, and the image shattered. The stone grows and fills the earth.
Dec 03 2017
The Prophecies of Daniel – The little horns and Antiochus
Not everyone agrees as to whether the two little horns of Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 are the same entity. Some of the questions they ask are related to slight differences, especially the discrepancy between 2300 days and 3.5 years.
Dec 03 2017
The Prophecies of Daniel – Daniel 7
Here we continue looking at the prophecies of Daniel. The prophecy is this: Four beasts come out of the sea; the first beast – like a lion, and like a man
Dec 02 2017
The Prophecies of Daniel – Daniel 8
Here we continue looking at the prophecies of Daniel. The prophecy is this: A ram, with two horns – one horn appearing first, and the next horn to appear was higher than the first. The ram pushed west, north, and south.
Dec 02 2017
The Prophecies of Daniel – Introduction
I’ve decided to write up an interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel, which I’ve read up on recently. Previously, I debunked the common Adventist claim about the little horn being the papacy, which supposedly uprooted the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Heruli by 538 AD.