Adventist and Catholic News & Views 005 – 1 Feb 2020

News and commentary on Adventism:

Kenyan Boys’ School Suspends 17 Adventist Students for Skipping Sabbath ExamsAdventist Today
This shouldn’t happen. It’s not hard to respect the religions of the students and schedule exams accordingly. It also feeds into the Adventist persecution complex. Luckily the problem was soon resolved.

Adventist Tomorrow: The Pillars of AdventismAdventist Today
Adventist Today asks: “What are the pillars or core teachings that make Adventism stand or fall as a distinctive denomination?
My answer:
Top 5:
1a. Sabbath old covenant law
1b. Diet old covenant law (though some ignore and stay Adventist)
2. Ellen White (some ignore and remain)
3. Investigative Judgement (some ignore and remain)
4. Creationism (some ignore and remain)
5. Demonisation of Catholicism (some ignore and remain)
Most I know omit at most 1 of these. Diet is highly variable between people. Sabbath strictness too. Discussion here.

Is There a Place for Bob and Others Like Her in the Adventist Church?Spectrum
Is there a place in any Christian denomination, for that matter? And what sort of place?


News and commentary on Catholicism:

Catholic parish will not host Episcopalian consecrationCatholic News Agency
So some Catholics have successfully shat on their Christian neighbours, who politely withdrew to avoid further embarrassment to the generous local Catholics. Had this been a Baptist pastor, maybe there would have been no objection and the use of the church tolerated. The problem is that Anglicans (Episcopalians) look too Catholic …

A saga of spirituality, secrecy and scepticismThe Irish Times
Hardly news – the article is from 2005 – but Fatima is quite possibly as relevant today as it was at the time of the Lourdes apparitions. Private revelations that tell the Church and the Pope what to do so urgently are as worthless as a chocolate kettle if they have no power, yet the apparitions demand that power and authority. And they have no power or authority at all. They seem not to know that belief in them is entirely optional and non-binding on anyone, including the visionary, never mind the pope. That itself, to me, is a sign that it may be nonsense.

Catholic Colonialism and Its Subaltern CelibatesPublic Orthodoxy
A married priesthood is, was, and always will be compatible with Catholicism. To try to say otherwise is extremely dangerous.


A Christian colleague once said that he thought creationism was the most dishonest theology there was. I disagree. It’s the second most dishonest. The most dishonest theology is called Seventh-day Adventism.

Adventist dishonesty according to Adventist Today
Adventist dishonesty according to Adventist Today

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