Adventist and Catholic News & Views 013 – 12 Sept 2020

For 6 months, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this series was put on hold. Now it begins again, hopefully at a rate of 2-3 times per month.

News and commentary on Adventism:

Good News about Saturday
Good News about Saturday

Pope Francis Praised Jewish SabbathAdventist Today
Praising the Jewish sabbath is one thing. Praising the Adventist sabbath is another. Christianity is not about keeping a sabbath on a day of the week.

Dinosaur Bones, Sabbath School, and PodcastsAdventist Review
On one dig, Snyder and his son, Ivan, uncovered the toe bone of a young T-rex that had adult T-rex bite marks. Based on this discovery, Snyder and Southern professor David Nelsen were among the co-authors of a scientific paper on tyrannosaur cannibalism published in 2018.
Now that is fascinating. Southern Adventist University runs a dinosaur project, the Dinosaur Excavation and Taphonomic Research Project. They seem to be the typical Adventist young earth creationists.


News and commentary on Catholicism:

Anthony Cekada dies, 11 Sept 2020.
Ordained by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Expelled from the SSPX in 1983, he co-founded the sedevacantist SSPV. Ex-SSPX, ex-SSPV, then general quasi-independent sedevacantist, he was more extreme fringe than the SSPX. May he rest in peace.

Take the SSPX COVID-19 quiz now!

Cardinal says SSPX founder Abp Lefebvre will one day be named ‘doctor of the Church’LSN
He spent the 14.5 years until his death suspended from ministry with his faculties revoced, saying Mass illicitly and absolving invalidly; the last 3 of those years he spent excommunicated. Such a person is no St Athanasius and will not become a doctor of the church. May he rest in peace.

A Catholic Apologist’s Guide to Voting as a CatholicMichelle Arnold
This explains why Catholic voting in the USA is not morally limited to the Republican party. And welcome to Michelle, a Catholic ex-Adventist, to Twitter and also to more interaction in the Catholic blogosphere.

Inverse square law
Inverse square law

Priests defy ban on last ritesCathNews [Australian Catholics Bishops]

1. This is an unnecessarily strict regulation. It’s easy to provide a solution – select a small number of low-risk priests for this, and then they do only this and have no contact with others outside of these events, and they get trained to use proper PPE to protect themselves and others against SARS-CoV-2.

2. Allow this via video. This isn’t low powered magic that can’t transmit through walls. It’s not subject to the inverse-square law. The Church regulates the practice of the sacraments. You can currently obtain valid absolution from a priest where you were present locally but communication went via hearing aids in one or both parties. Expand that to phones, and expand the distance absolution can travel.

3. This is not an attack on religious freedom. That sort of erroneous thinking creates unnecessary antagonism amongst the faithful.

Oh, Those Fatima Conspiracists⁠Michelle Arnold
Three myths about Fatima are discussed, as well as a gnostic “desire for hidden knowledge” on the part of the conspiracy theorists.


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