Pachamama and Pope St John Paul II

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In Cochabamba, Bolivia on May 11, 1988, Pope St John Paul II mentioned Pachamama in a sermon.

Pachamama, the earth, so-called by their ancestors; producing food and reflecting the work of divine providence.

Non comprehendo linguam Hispanicam aut linguam Italicam, sed Google translator adiutabilis fuit.

Spanish version with translation:

Quiero dirigirme ahora, desde esta tierra de Cochabamba, campesina por excelencia, a vosotros, campesinos quechuas, hombres del “linaje de bronce”, que desde tiempo inmemorial pobláis estos valles y estáis en las raíces de la nacionalidad boliviana; que habéis dado al mundo vuestros hallazgos alimenticios y medicinales como la papa, el maíz y la quinua. El Señor sigue acompañando con su ayuda vuestro trabajo. El cuida de las aves del cielo, de los lirios que nacen en el campo, de la hierba que brota de la tierra (Mt 6, 26-30). Esta es la obra de Dios, que sabe que necesitamos del alimento que produce la tierra, esa realidad varia y expresiva que vuestros antepasados llamaron la “Pachamama” y que refleja la obra de la Providencia divina al ofrecernos sus dones para bien del hombre.

His Holiness, Pope St John Paul II

I want to address now, from this land of Cochabamba, peasant par excellence, to you, Quechua peasants, men of the “bronze lineage”, who from time immemorial populate these valleys and are at the roots of Bolivian nationality; that you have given to the world your nutritional and medicinal findings such as potatoes, corn and quinoa. The Lord continues to accompany your work with his help. He takes care of the birds of the sky, of the lilies that are born in the field, of the grass that sprouts from the earth (Mt 6, 26-30). This is the work of God, who knows that we need the food that the earth produces, that varied and expressive reality that your ancestors called the “Pachamama” and that reflects the work of divine Providence by offering us his gifts for the good of man.


Italian version with translation:

His Holiness, Pope St John Paul II

Desidero rivolgermi ora, da questa terra di Cochabamba, contadina per eccellenza, a voi, contadini Quechuas uomini della “stirpe di bronzo”, che da tempo immemorabile popolate queste valli e siete alla base dell’identità boliviana; che avete dato al mondo i vostri prodotti alimentari e ritrovati medici quali la patata, il mais e la quinoa. Il Signore continui ad accompagnare con il suo aiuto il vostro lavoro. Egli ha cura degli uccelli nel cielo, dei gigli che nascono nel campo, dell’erba che germoglia dalla terra (cf. Mt 6, 26-30). Questa è l’opera di Dio, che sa che abbiamo bisogno del nutrimento prodotto dalla terra, quella realtà molteplice ed espressiva che i vostri antenati chiamarono la “Pachamama” e che riflette l’opera della Provvidenza divina offrendoci i suoi doni per il bene dell’uomo.

I would now like to address you, from this land of Cochabamba, a peasant par excellence, to you, Quechuas peasants, men of the “bronze lineage”, who have populated these valleys since time immemorial and are the basis of the Bolivian identity; that you have given your food and medical products such as potato, corn and quinoa to the world. May the Lord continue to accompany your work with his help. He takes care of the birds in the sky, of the lilies that are born in the field, of the grass that sprouts from the earth (cf. Mt 6, 26-30). This is the work of God, who knows that we need the nourishment produced by the earth, that manifold and expressive reality that your ancestors called the “Pachamama” and which reflects the work of divine Providence by offering us his gifts for the good of man.


Of course, the good Pope Saint is just as easily bashed as Pope Francis. This won’t change much. The nouveau traditionalists will still insist, against all evidence, that it’s a pagan goddess. So be it. As I wrote before, their “immature complaints about the Church are just all over the place and aren’t as refined and as reasoned as those of the more seasoned traditionalists like the SSPX.”

See also the Pachamama analysis over at Where Peter Is.

Pachamama is just a word
Pachamama is just a word
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    • Vjatjeslav on February 22, 2020 at 8:14 pm

    Interesting… “Pachamama” has created a lot of discussions here in Europe.

    1. It has all over the world. In my opinion the anti-Francis crowd are treating Pope Francis and the Amazonians (and other people and groups within the Church) the way Adventists treat the Catholic Church. It’s the same – ignoring context, ignoring evidence (such as this quote above), making up false information.

    • Lookiteasy on February 23, 2020 at 11:13 pm

    2 Samuel 23:4  he dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth upon a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth .

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