Liturgical dancing

Liturgical dancing – abolish it!  It looks silly.  It looks like moon worship.  It’s not Catholic.  They should “spend that time praying the Rosary.

Here is Cardinal Francis Arinze discussing exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and liturgical dancing.

He’s too old to vote in the conclave, but he can still be elected Pope.  Apart from Archbishop Athanasius Schneider, my first choice for pope but not a cardinal so extremely unlikely to be the next pope, Cardinal Francis Arinze is the only one I know would be a good pope.  The rest are relatively unknown to me.  Cardinal Arinze wouldn’t be pope for decades to come.  Archbishop Schneider would.  I hope Cardinal Arinze is elected pope.  He’d be a good pope.

Cardinal Arinze on liturgical dancing


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