Tag: COVID-19

Catholic “science” forums

Pope Francis giving a polio vaccine

I had an interesting encounter today on a Facebook group “Catholic Science Geeks”. Across several posts, the discussions showed that there were several antivaxxers present. Several people didn’t want to have COVID vaccines because they were nervous about them. That’s a legitimate reaction. However, several were trying to promote vaccine avoidance because, supposedly, vaccine efficacy is unknown. That’s not true. What is worse is that these so-called “scientists” aren’t persuaded by evidence.

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St Marys, Kansas, USA – a town hiding their COVID cases?

Biohazard logo

“Let it be know, that St. Marys is actively participating in conspiracy to hide the COVID 19 cases. Major institutions including the SSPX Church are instructing the people of St. Marys to not report COVID 19 cases.”

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The Cape Town SSPX and COVID – The Index of Lessons Learnt

SSPX logo

Over the last year, I’ve written about a Catholic fringe group, a cult, whose Masses I used to attend. I live(d) next door to them. The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) in Cape Town.

My realisation of the sickness within this cult began on St Patrick’s Day 2020, aka 17 March, as the COVID-19 pandemic was rearing it’s ugly (but real) head, and it will mostly come to an end on St Joseph’s Day 2021, aka 19 March. To St Joseph, thank you for getting rid of these people and their cleric.

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The Psychopathy of “Traditionalist” Catholicism

Bishop Richard Williamson, suspended

I have had a revelation. Not the supernatural type where one has a vision, but a natural but shocking realisation about an evil in the world. I finally understand how the sort of moral theology some on the “traditionalist” end of Catholicism espouse matches up with their behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. And thus I also finally understand why such ideas allow the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) to be the way they are.

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Catholicism and COVID-19 update, Feb 2021

Spiritual blackmail

A few important COVID-related topics have arisen lately, and I want to add some links here to intelligent commentary on them.
Vaccines and “remote cooperation with evil”
Religious and spiritual blackmail / manipulation
99% survival and vaccines being 90% effective

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How the mighty have fallen – from Mother A to Father Z

Snake handling

Several things worry me. Zuhlsdorf lies, about important things, not just little things. When a person with such an aura of self-importance, especially a cleric, lies … something is wrong. When a priest starts lying in order to make himself look important … beware of him. Run. It applies to the SSPX, and it applies to Zuhlsdorf. And when such a priest owns a gun …

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 020 – 19 Dec 2020

Follow me on Parler

Key words: Abortion money, Antivaxxer, Apartheid, Bishop Stika, Communion in the hand, Communion on the tongue, COVID-19, Darth Vader, Edward Allred, Ku Klux Klan, Loma Linda, Martyrs, Nativity scene, Parler, Race, Religious persecution, Segregation, SSPX, Strickland, Zuhlsdorf

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 017 – 1 Nov 2020

SSPX - Darth Vader Lefebvre

Key words: Conspiracy theories, COVID-19, Masks, Mass Rocks, SSPX, Sunday law, Working class

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Should Pope Francis wear a mask?

Pope Francis in Korea

Fr Thomas Reese criticises Pope Francis for not wearing a mask, and even goes as far as saying Pope Francis should go to confession over this. He gives 6 points explaining why Pope Francis should wear a mask. The Society of St Pius X (SSPX), a group of mostly health people, are behaving like idiots around the world by shunning mask use and other means of preventing spread of SARS-CoV-2. They can very easily and soundly be condemned as fools. I’m not so sure about Pope Francis.

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The 2020 Sanger Award goes to the SSPX

Sanger Award for Religious Courage

Congratulations to the Society of St Pius X for winning the 2020 Sanger Award for Religious Courage.

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Maskless till the end, the SSPX way

Charles Darwin, 1883

On 24 Sept, it was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the SSPX seminary in Switzerland.

As I said before, with the SSPX the rot goes all the way to the top. I only know of our local SSPX cleric who told his congregation that the law doesn’t apply to them, but in at least 3 countries there have been altercations between the SSPX and law enforcement. That they are above the law is obviously not the published official policy of the SSPX, but it may well be the unspoken unpublished version.

The June ordinations in Switzerland demonstrated that their leadership had absolutely no regard for the safety of others when it came to social distancing and wearing masks.

The same was obvious on 24 September, with their Pontifical High Mass for the transfer of founder Archbishop Lefebvre’s body to another location. No social distancing. No masks.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 014 – 26 Sept 2020

Pope Francis giving a polio vaccine

Key words: Baptism, Catechesis, Convert, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Vaccine, COVID-19, COVID vaccine, Hiroshima, Invalid baptism, Loma Linda, Mark Galli, Orthodox, Pope Francis, Quackery, Vaccine

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SSPX wore masks today! Well done!

Biohazard logo

The SSPX in Cape Town (and all over the world) have been problematic with their views on COVID-19 prevention.
The local community has commented on their masklessness. Today they wore masks.
Congratulations to all those who wear masks.
Doing so saves lives.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 013 – 12 Sept 2020

Good News about Saturday

And we begin this series again, as time permits.

Key words: Anthony Cekada, COVID-19, Creationism, Dinosaurs, Last rites, Marcel Lefebvre, Pope Francis, Sabbath, SARS-CoV-2, Sedevacantism, SSPV, SSPX

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The SSPX – COVID and religious quackery

Archbishop Lefebvre illicitly saying Mass in 1981 while suspended a divinis

The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) in Cape Town seems to have adopted quack science and fake news as their foundation for dealing with the COVID epidemic.

That was reported/discussed here and here and here. From initial underground Mass games during lockdown, through clerical encouragement of singing because the devil doesn’t like their singing, to utter disregard for wearing masks and social distancing, the activities of the SSPX have more than convinced me that they are a cult willing to spread disease without regard whatsoever for the safety of other Capetonians.

Now I focus on whether their theology is similar in nature to their belief in quack science and fake news.

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SSPX Resistance, the spin-off

Bishop Richard Williamson, suspended

I recently discovered another horrific story about a radical traditionalist group behaving similarly towards COVID. Called SSPX Resistance, they are an SSPX spinoff who followed the weirdest SSPX bishop, Bishop Williamson, after he was excommunicated from the SSPX. He’s the guy who publicly claimed on Swedish television that the Holocaust never happened, on the same day he was un-excommunicated from the real Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI.

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SSPX – the Dangers of a Cult Mentality

The International Seminary of Saint Pius X in Écône

Previously we looked at clear, plain statements from three popes (and others) that confirmed that the relationship between the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) and the Catholic Church is not one of “full communion”. Now we’ll look at how they are a good example of a group with a cult mentality.

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Update on SSPX sect’s evasion of lockdown

Stay at home, Pray at home

At the 7 June sung Mass, the entire SSPX congregation was singing, in contravention of the law. The neighbours could hear it clearly. On Tuesday 9 June, the police met with the cleric and informed him that group singing was prohibited. He claimed that he did not know this. In light of his knowledge of the regulations, I do not believe the cleric.

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Denial of Communion on the Tongue Causing More Trauma Than COVID-19

Angry ant

Around the world, True Catholics (TM) are dying in droves from CITHaD-20, a new disease caused by harsh episcopal punishment inflicted by bishops who work for a “supranational body” known as the Catholic Church. Sufferers have called this an illegal interdict-like (but-not-an-interdict) punishment that hasn’t been handed down from local bishops since the apparitions in Fatima in 1917-18.

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Communion: Tongue vs Hand in the COVID era

Communion on the tongue

In the COVID era, some Catholics have been debating the communion in the hand vs on the tongue issue. Bishops have often instructed that communion be in the hand only.

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