Tag: Catholic Church

Validly marriage and quirks

Barbary Macaque

The recent Boris Johnson marriage caused a stir. So here I’ll outline why things can be quite peculiar at times, and probably need reforming.

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Adventist pastor signs ecumenical charter with Catholics

Rabid dog

Recently there was an ecumenical meeting in Italy. Catholics attended and signed. An Adventist pastor attended and signed. The end is nigh!

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Should Catholics be pro or anti vaccination?

Pope Francis giving a polio vaccine

Vaccines and the huge benefits they have brought are a matter of science and history and fact, and there is plenty of evidence for those who are willing to look at it. I’ll briefly comment on some aspects of vaccine success and discuss some legitimate instances where vaccines are inappropriate, and I’ll give useful links below; my purpose here is to make a statement and not to provide several years worth of studying science on one page. I’ll also touch on the valid problem of vaccines tainted with a history of abortion.

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Twitter discussion – an Easter Egg

Easter eggs

It’s a common belief that Easter is pagan. One claim is that the name is derived from Ostare or Eostre, a pagan goddess. I tweeted in response to various tweets claiming such nonsense. I had an interesting discussion with a very opinionated lady. I want to post a few notes here on how seemingly educated people are drawn into this nonsense, and how bizarre their arguments can be.

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Thus saith Ellen, part 2 – Call no man Father?

William Miller

The interesting thing is that Ellen White referred to William Miller, the founder of the Millerite movement that started Adventism, as “Father Miller”, and gives one of the Catholic reasons for doing so (cf 1 Cor 4:15).

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The Passover of the Jews

The Sacrificial Lamb - Josefa de Ayala, ca 1670

Three times the Bible refers to Passover as the Passover of the Jews. John 2:13, John 6:4, John 11:55.

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3 days and 3 nights – from when till when?

Myrrh bearers

Did Jesus die on a Friday and rise from the dead on a Sunday? Or did he die on a Wednesday or Thursday? And did he rise from the dead on a Saturday?

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Pope invades another country!

SMOM ex-Head of State, Matthew Festing

Pope Francis has demanded and obtained the resignation of the head of another sovereign state, and will appoint his own temporary supervisor until the state elects a new head of state approved by the pope.

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Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath

Icon of the Resurrection

With no weekly 7th day sabbath under the New Covenant, Christians chose the most important day of the week to hold as special – Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead.

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Christian holy days – a gift to Jesus

Midnight Mass 2012

Adventists, and others, dislike the way the Catholic Church has set aside various days of the year for celebrating Jesus Christ. They label such things as “pagan” even if they aren’t pagan at all. (The word “pagan” is a synonym for “Catholic” amongst many of this crowd, irrespective of actual religious origins of any practice or teaching.)

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Jesus’ brothers and sisters

Mother of God of Vladimir

To complete the collection of posts I have on the virginity of Mary, I’ll address the brothers of Jesus named in the Bible.

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Did Catholics change the Bible?

Still life with Bible, Vincent van Gogh

Someone emailed me and wrote: “The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 in the Torah match the Ten Commandments in the KJV and all the protestant bibles. That in itself is proof that the Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments.”

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A simple explanation of justification

The Fall of Man, by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1530 AD

While Catholics and Lutherans (and some other Protestants) have agreed that both sides mean the same thing when they use different words, there remains tension with some regarding salvation by faith alone vs salvation by grace alone. Our response to grace is sometimes mistakenly seen by Protestants as being our own works, and therefore of no value to God.

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God’s visible grace

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

Guest post at the blog Reinventing the Adventist Wheel.

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God reaching out through space and time

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - The Last Supper (1495-1498)

Guest post at the blog Reinventing the Adventist Wheel.

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Vicarius Filii Dei and 666

Pope Pius XII

Adventists like to present a fake papal title as evidence that the papacy is linked to the number 666 found in Revelation 13:18.

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Free ebook – Catholic Discussion of Seventh-day Adventism

Catholic Discussion of Seventh-day Adventism

It has been suggested to me over time that I write a book on Adventism. At last I’ve put together the more important posts from this blog into an ebook, which is free on this website and on Lulu, and minimally priced on Amazon.

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Socrates and Sozomen on Christian observance of the Sabbath

Habakkuk, Septuagint fragment

Adventists quote selectively to make it look like many Christians assembled on the sabbath, every sabbath. It’s clear from the source documents that they fasted on the sabbath, in memory of Jesus being in the tomb – it wasn’t a sabbath observance like the Jews and the Adventists have.

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A supposedly rich Vatican

Constantine the Great

People sometimes complain that the Vatican is rich, and should sell all their stuff and donate the money to the poor. This article shows what drivel that idea is.

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10 Commandments, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit

The sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles

By various means, people have calculated that it was 50 days (inclusive) after Passover that the 10 Commandments were give by God to Moses.

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