A case of a failed abortion for reasons of eugenics that ruined the plans of the parents.
March 2007 archive
Mar 11 2007
Adventist Lent
“Could there be a way we Adventists can overcome the spectre of indiscriminate anti-Catholicism and embrace of the spirit of Ash Wednesday?”
Mar 09 2007
The Gregorian responds
On some issues, Bergami was wrong. On the rest, it seems that Bacchiocchi will let them go. In light of this, I apologise to Samuele Bacchiocchi for the trouble my inquiries have caused him. My questions were justified, and brought greater clarity as to the relationship between his thesis, his promotors, and the Catholic Church. But I never wished for someone to provide misleading information the way Barbara Bergami did. What her motivations were, and how well she investigated the matter, are not known. How Gregorian will deal with her will probably never be known.
Mar 07 2007
What Jesus said about salvation
“I suggest that we tend to confuse the beginning of the faith journey with its entirety. Yes, believe in Jesus—that’s the first step. Yes, invite Jesus into your heart as your personal Savior. Then, empowered by God’s grace, embark on the journey of discipleship, in which you seek to love God with every fiber of your being, to love your neighbor as yourself, to live out God’s moral will, and to follow Jesus where he leads you, whatever the cost.”