The Sabbath vs Sunday debate

Divine Mercy icon, Byzantine style

Divine Mercy icon, Byzantine style

Seventh-day Adventists, as their name implies, worship on the 7th day of the week, Saturday, unlike most other Christians, who, since biblical times, have kept Sunday as a memorial of a better creation, raised to life by the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead on the first day of the week.

What does the Bible say?

A summary of the Sabbath vs Sunday evidence

What does the Old Testament say?
What does the New Testament say?
The Sabbath in the Gospels
Matt 5 – will the law never pass away?
Matt 5 vs Heb 7 – who is right?
It is finished – the law, the Sabbath
Mark 2/Matt 12/Luke 6 – was the Sabbath made for all mankind to keep?
Matt 24 – pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day?
Luke 4 – did Jesus set an example of Sabbath keeping for us?
John 7 – circumcision on the Sabbath
Matt 28/Mark 16/Luke 24/John 20 – Easter weekend and the Sabbath / first day
Col 2:14-17 – does this refer to the 7th day Sabbath?
Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 1
Col 2:16 – a weekly sabbath reference or not? Part 2
Rom 14:5-6 – do we need to keep the Sabbath?
Gal 4:10-11 – do we need to keep the Sabbath?
Hebrews 4 – what is the Christian Sabbath?
1 Cor 16:2 – regular first day services?
1 Cor 16:2 – Adventists take up monetary offerings on the Sabbath???
Further analysis of 1 Corinthians 16 verses 1-2
Acts 20:7 – a service on the first day of the week?
Are there examples of Christian sabbath observance in Acts?
Acts 1 – do Christians keep the Sabbath in Acts?
Acts 13 – do Christians keep the Sabbath in Acts?
Acts 13 – Returning to hear Paul the next sabbath?
Quiz: The Sabbath in Acts 13 – Part 1
Quiz: The Sabbath in Acts 13 – Part 2
Acts 15 – do Christians keep the Sabbath in Acts?
Acts 16 – do Christians keep the Sabbath in Acts?
Acts 17 – do Christians keep the Sabbath in Acts?
Acts 18 – do Christians keep the Sabbath in Acts?
Gen 2:2-3 – Did Adam keep the Sabbath?
Isaiah 66 – Sabbath keeping in heaven?
Isaiah 66 – from one sabbath to another
Exod 31/Deut 5/Neh 9/Ezek 20 – to whom was the Sabbath given, as a sign of what?
The Sabbath first revealed to man
A sabbath commandment in Revelation?

The Sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 1
The Sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 2
The Sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 3
The 10 Commandments and the New Law in Catholic teaching

Is the Sabbath moral or ceremonial law?

Reputed site of burial of Saint Patrick, in churchyard of cathedral in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

Reputed site of burial of Saint Patrick, in churchyard of cathedral in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

Dishonest claims about early Christians

Adventists abusing Socrates on the Sabbath

Ellen White and St Ambrose

Adventist misrepresentation of The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles

Adventist misrepresentation of St Patrick

Who changed the Sabbath: Adventist misquoting

Usenet debate: Who changed the Sabbath? [part 1] and Adventists changing the Bible? [part 2]

Other Sabbath questions

His Holiness, Pope John Paul II

His Holiness, Pope John Paul II

Dies Domini – Apostolic Letter … by Pope John Paul II

Rome’s challenge to Adventists – prove what you say! aka Constantine, the Papacy, and the real origins of Sunday
Follow-up 1 – Pope Sylvester I – who changed the Sabbath?
Follow-up 2 – More on Sunday and Pope Sylvester I
Follow-up 3 – The Feriae of Pope Sylvester I

Jesus our Rising Sun, Light of the World

Remember the Sabbath day – what does “remember” mean

Dies Domini – a response to Samuele Bacchiocchi

The 4th Commandment and Bacchiocchi

The Law of God vs the Law of Moses

Will Catholics persecute Adventists for sabbath keeping?

Prerequisites for a National Sunday law

10 Commandments, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit

The Sabbath ended on a Thursday

From sunset to sunset

Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath

Replacing Jesus with the sabbath, the Adventist way

Dear Adventists. The sabbath is not God.

Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 1

Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 2

Sabbath versus circumcision – which is greater?

Are the annual holy days of Israel fulfilled by Christ?

The Protestant Reformers and the Jewish sabbath

What is the ministry of death?

Adventism and blind people

St John Chrysostom on the Sabbath

Missing Sunday Mass a sin?

“The Sabbath, is of utmost importance!!”

Fake church sign with the only real biblical evidence Adventists have.

Fake church sign with the only real biblical evidence Adventists have.

Why we keep Sunday

Crucifixion and Resurrection timeline series
Part 1 – 3 days and 3 nights – from when till when?
Part 2 – On the THIRD day – getting it right
Part 3 – 3 days and 3 nights – timeline charts
Part 4 – When did Jesus die and rise from the dead?

Where is Sunday condemned in the Bible?

Some sabbath silliness

By other people

… local pages used with permission

The Roman Catholic Church and the Decalogue … by Dr. Verle Streifling, an Evangelical Protestant [PDF]

Dies Domini: Is Saturday the True Sabbath? … by Jacob Michael

The Sabbath has truly been done away with, says the Bible … by Bob Stanley

The Sabbath and the Catholic Church – Testimony of an ex-WCG member … by Dan Severino

The Sabbath and the 8th day … by an anonymous contributor

The Seal of God – What Is It? … by Robert Sanders

Worship on the Sabbath? … by Mario Derksen [also on the Internet Archive]

The Sabbath and the Lunacy of Seventh-day Adventism … by Jacob Michael [also on the Internet Archive]

Sabbath and the First Day – Why do Catholics worship on Sunday instead of Saturday? … By John Hellman

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Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

The Sabbath and the First Day in the New Testament

Adventists and other Sabbath keeping Christians often present arguments from the New Testament to show that Christians are still expected by God to keep the Sabbath day on the 7th day of the week, Saturday (Friday sunset till Saturday sunset.) They tell us that Jesus kept the Sabbath, and therefore so should we. They tell …

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Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

The Old Testament Sabbath and Christians

Adventists and other Sabbath keeping Christians often present arguments from the Bible to show that Christians are still expected by God to keep the Sabbath day on the 7th day of the week, Saturday (Friday sunset till Saturday sunset.) They tell us that God gave the Sabbath to Adam and Eve, but that’s not in …

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