Tag: Bible

Commentary on Prophecy in the Bible

Pope Innocent III

What follows are two comments on the role of biblical prophecy in our modern era. One is from 2016; the first is from 2020.

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Proof texting, the Bible, and the Church

Still life with Bible, Vincent van Gogh

Providing a quote from the Bible seems like a good thing if you’re trying to convince someone else about what the Bible teaches. But often enough, you get another verse back at you, without context. That’s proof texting.

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Bible Quiz – the day and hour of Jesus’ return

Ellen White

Was Jesus right or wrong? Was Adventist prophetess Ellen White right or wrong?

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Are there examples of Christian sabbath observance in Acts?

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

Adventists claim that there are biblical examples of Christian sabbath observance in the book of Acts.

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The 10 commandments in full

10 commandments table

What is clear from this table is that there are no deletions by anyone. Every church uses a summary for easy memorisation, but a summary does not mean they have removed anything from the Bible.

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Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 2 – Catholicism

Donkey, Boston Public Library

In Part 1 we looked at a striking and honest Adventist acknowledgement of the type of dishonesty that forms part of Adventist culture. Here we’ll look at specific common examples of how dishonest Adventists spread fake facts and fake history.

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Dishonesty in Seventh-day Adventism, Part 1 – Adventism

Adventist dishonesty according to Adventist Today

Adventist Today: “We have in this denomination nurtured a class of people who have little regard for verifiable truth. Some lie intentionally and boldly, such as those who altered that article and passed on the letter as factual. Of the rest, it is unclear to me whether they lack the ability to distinguish a spurious story from a true one, or just prefer to believe any bit of mythology that feeds their hunger for novelty, and affirms their fears. … They preferred titillating myths …”

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Twitter discussion – an Easter Egg

Easter eggs

It’s a common belief that Easter is pagan. One claim is that the name is derived from Ostare or Eostre, a pagan goddess. I tweeted in response to various tweets claiming such nonsense. I had an interesting discussion with a very opinionated lady. I want to post a few notes here on how seemingly educated people are drawn into this nonsense, and how bizarre their arguments can be.

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Thus saith Ellen, part 4 – The 10 commandments

10 Commandments

These descriptions, given to Ellen White in a vision, prove that the vision was NOT given by God. If it was not given by God, who was it that gave Ellen this vision? And what was their agenda when highlighting the sabbath?

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Jewish holy days fulfilled

Andrea del Castagno - Crucifixion

Some Christians don’t like to celebrate the events in Jesus’ life, and they follow a pseudo-Jewish calendar that includes passover and the other Jewish holy days.

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Why Sunday is an improvement on the sabbath

Icon of the Resurrection

With no weekly 7th day sabbath under the New Covenant, Christians chose the most important day of the week to hold as special – Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead.

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Christian holy days – a gift to Jesus

Midnight Mass 2012

Adventists, and others, dislike the way the Catholic Church has set aside various days of the year for celebrating Jesus Christ. They label such things as “pagan” even if they aren’t pagan at all. (The word “pagan” is a synonym for “Catholic” amongst many of this crowd, irrespective of actual religious origins of any practice or teaching.)

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The Law of God vs the Law of Moses

10 Commandments

Adventists like to distinguish between the law of God and the law of Moses, between a moral law and a ceremonial law.

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Did Catholics change the Bible?

Still life with Bible, Vincent van Gogh

Someone emailed me and wrote: “The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 in the Torah match the Ten Commandments in the KJV and all the protestant bibles. That in itself is proof that the Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments.”

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Galatians 4: Adventists are Hagar, Christians are Sarah

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar

The other side, those who are Hagar’s children – Muslims and Adventists – are in bondage, following the covenant at Sinai. That’s a huge revelation regarding Adventism. They lack, due to their allegiance, a full part in the New Covenant.

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You will be with me in paradise today

Andrea del Castagno - Crucifixion

Jesus to the repentant thief on the cross: Luke 23:43 (KJV) – And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Every single time in the Bible that “Truly I say unto you” is used (or the equivalent in various translations), it takes the form …

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Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant

Woman of Revelation 12

In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant contained the glory of God.  In the New Testament, the Ark of the New Covenant contained God himself in the flesh. Important parallels regarding the content of the Ark: Manna – Eucharist (Jesus’ body and blood) Rod of Aaron – Rod of Jesse (Jesus) 10 Commandments …

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10 Commandments, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit

The sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles

By various means, people have calculated that it was 50 days (inclusive) after Passover that the 10 Commandments were give by God to Moses.

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A Catholic understanding of St John’s Revelation

John's Vision of Heaven

Previously I was asked about my understanding of the end times and the correct interpretation of Revelation.

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Debate about Old Testament food laws

Dutch frikandellen

I posted a photo of Dutch frikandellen in an Adventist Facebook forum to draw out some discussion on Adventist dietary laws, with the hope that I could present, in back and forth discussion fashion, the material on my two blog posts “Clean and unclean meat”, Part 1 and Part 2.

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