January 2019 archive

The 10 commandments in full

10 commandments table

What is clear from this table is that there are no deletions by anyone. Every church uses a summary for easy memorisation, but a summary does not mean they have removed anything from the Bible.

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Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 2

Troll, via Uncyclopedia

In my previous post, I looked at how the Bible never calls the sabbath a day of worship. I’ve challenged Adventists to show me where the Bible says it is a day of worship. Needless to say, there were no responses forthcoming that actually provided me with biblical evidence of the Adventist claim.

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Sabbath rest or sabbath worship? – Part 1

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

If Adventists are right, even remotely right, there must be some biblical instruction in the Old Testament that the sabbath is God’s decreed day of worship. But there isn’t …

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