For those who use Telegram, I have a new channel going for Catholic Discussion of Adventism. It will share new blog posts, and occasional relevant links and memes and other things I think to post.
May 2020 archive
May 17 2020
Denial of Communion on the Tongue Causing More Trauma Than COVID-19
Around the world, True Catholics (TM) are dying in droves from CITHaD-20, a new disease caused by harsh episcopal punishment inflicted by bishops who work for a “supranational body” known as the Catholic Church. Sufferers have called this an illegal interdict-like (but-not-an-interdict) punishment that hasn’t been handed down from local bishops since the apparitions in Fatima in 1917-18.
May 15 2020
Communion: Tongue vs Hand in the COVID era
In the COVID era, some Catholics have been debating the communion in the hand vs on the tongue issue. Bishops have often instructed that communion be in the hand only.
May 14 2020
Catholic Stupidity in Coronavirus Season
Life is normal for me, except for the quiet roads and longer and more tiring working hours in a COVID lab. But for most people, this must feel post-apocalyptic. They’re grasping for some level of control over their lives, and, sometimes, YouTube and conspiracy theories provide an outlet. However dangerous that may be. Now a bunch of Catholic bishops have signed a declaration that the whole lockdown thing is a plot by shady businesses and tyrannical governments to institute a one world government that answers to nobody. Just because they’re being told they can’t go to church and make people sick.