Yes, he does, at times, “commend the pope for addressing the socio-political issues of our time in a responsible way” … but he says that on such issues, Adventists and Catholics should not be united in their work towards that goal.
September 2006 archive
Sep 30 2006
The 3 horns and the Ostrogoths
A good point on the 3 horns and the Ostrogoths that I never noticed before was brought to my attention in a recent e-mail.
Sep 24 2006
More on the Mother of God
Jesus was God in Mary’s uterus. Mary was his mother. She was not the mother of the Godhead. She did not pre-exist Jesus. But her son was God, and she was his mother – the mother of God incarnate.
Sep 24 2006
Simon the stone, Peter the rock
“The modern widespread majority Protestant view on the Matthew verse agrees with the Roman Catholic view, and disagreements about primacy stem from doctrinal sources, and disagreements such as disagreements over the identification of Simon Peter with the Pope.”
Sep 17 2006
Mary, Mother of God
The following debate on alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic shows how people often misunderstand the concept of Mary being the Mother of God.
Sep 16 2006
Was Jesus the son of Mary?
The idea that Jesus was not a biological child of Mary is a novelty not supported by the Bible, and merely a reactionary stance.
Sep 08 2006