Tag: Passover

When did Jesus die and rise from the dead?

The Resurrection of Christ

When did Jesus rise from the dead?

On the 3rd day – Matt 16:21, Matt 17:23, Matt 20:19, Matt 27:64, Mark 9:31, Mark 10:34, Luke 9:22, Luke 18:33, Luke 24:7, Luke 24:46
On the first day of the week – Luke 24:21

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3 days and 3 nights – timeline charts

Andrea del Castagno - Crucifixion

Some people think Jesus died on a Wednesday or Thursday, and rose on the sabbath. That means the first day of the week, which Luke says is the 3rd day since the Crucifixion, was really the 5th day, or 4th day, going by the way the Bible counts. But what’s a day or two between friends?

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On the THIRD day – getting it right

Icon of the Resurrection

Think about this quickly. Jesus died on a Wednesday. He rose on the sabbath. The next day, Sunday, was the third day since the Crucifixion, which was five days previously. And Jesus rose on the third day.

Huh? That makes no sense, you say? Quite right, it doesn’t. Yet some people, especially the Church of God (CoG) movement derived from Herbert Armstrong, get it muddled to that degree.

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Are the annual holy days of Israel fulfilled by Christ?

The Sacrificial Lamb - Josefa de Ayala, ca 1670

Some Christians say we should observe the Holy Days instructed in the Old Testament. Some say they pointed to Christ and were fulfilled by Christ.

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Twitter discussion – an Easter Egg

Easter eggs

It’s a common belief that Easter is pagan. One claim is that the name is derived from Ostare or Eostre, a pagan goddess. I tweeted in response to various tweets claiming such nonsense. I had an interesting discussion with a very opinionated lady. I want to post a few notes here on how seemingly educated people are drawn into this nonsense, and how bizarre their arguments can be.

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Jewish holy days fulfilled

Andrea del Castagno - Crucifixion

Some Christians don’t like to celebrate the events in Jesus’ life, and they follow a pseudo-Jewish calendar that includes passover and the other Jewish holy days.

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The Passover of the Jews

The Sacrificial Lamb - Josefa de Ayala, ca 1670

Three times the Bible refers to Passover as the Passover of the Jews. John 2:13, John 6:4, John 11:55.

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3 days and 3 nights – from when till when?

Myrrh bearers

Did Jesus die on a Friday and rise from the dead on a Sunday? Or did he die on a Wednesday or Thursday? And did he rise from the dead on a Saturday?

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A Catholic understanding of St John’s Revelation

John's Vision of Heaven

Previously I was asked about my understanding of the end times and the correct interpretation of Revelation.

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Just what is the Mass anyway?

Tridentine Mass celebrated on Palm Sunday in the chapel of Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. Photo by John Stephen Dwyer

For those who find the Mass somewhat strange, and wonder where on earth we got it from, the answer is short – it’s based on Jewish liturgies, importantly the Passover seder.

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Is Easter pagan?

Icon of the Resurrection

Adventists, and others such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and those groups continuing Herbert Armstrong’s legacy, often claim that Easter is derived from a pagan festival. In fact, there are two important points to raise in response to them – a) whether or not Easter is pagan, and, for the Armstrong followers, b) which days of the week the Crucifixion and Resurrection were.

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Is Easter Christian? A reply to Samuele Bacchiocchi

The Crucifixion of the Parlement of Paris

The late Adventist scholar Samuele Bacchiocchi was influenced by the teachings of Herbert Armstrong, and promoted the observance of Jewish holy days instead of Christian holy days. In his Endtime Issues #43 he rearranges the historical evidence to form a revised version of history to support his arguments. He beautifully provides us with a typical example of how historical evidence is misapplied.

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Jesus died on 14 Nisan

The Sacrificial Lamb - Josefa de Ayala, ca 1670

I’ve been waiting years to hear this most logical 14 Nisan crucifixion timing from a Catholic priest. And now I hear it from the pope himself. I always get given the 15 Nisan story. The explanation above goes a long way to explain why the Wednesday crucifixion theory of Herbert Armstrong is wrong, so ironically it was Herbert Armstrong who was adamant that Jesus died on 14 Nisan.

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Should Adventists celebrate the Resurrection with the rest of Christianity?

Icon of Christ Crucified, chapel of San Damiano, near Assisi

I applaud the Adventists, and others, who have seen the significance of Easter and Lent, and choose to celebrate Christ’s resurrection as the early Christians did, and set time aside in their calendar for preparation for that celebration, along with the rest of their brothers and sisters in Christ, throughout the centuries.

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“The Sabbath, is of utmost importance!!”

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

One of the comments there is worth highlighting. It’s a wonderful example of how the Sabbath gets read into the New Testament Christian life without biblical support. “Sure, Korsman is right about there being no command in the New Testament to keep the Sabbath, and no clear cases where the New Testament Christians kept it …” Stark admission. But that’s where it ends.

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Just what is the Mass anyway?

Tridentine Mass celebrated on Palm Sunday in the chapel of Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. Photo by John Stephen Dwyer

For those who find the Mass somewhat strange, and wonder where on earth we got it from, the answer is short – it’s based on Jewish liturgies, importantly the Passover seder.

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