January 2021 archive

So much for security and Telegram channels

Barbary Macaque

Telegram channels are not encrypted (not even the secret ones). The entire world can see the contents. The public “SSPX Capetown” Telegram channel is here – you can see all the channel posts there.

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How the mighty have fallen – from Mother A to Father Z

Snake handling

Several things worry me. Zuhlsdorf lies, about important things, not just little things. When a person with such an aura of self-importance, especially a cleric, lies … something is wrong. When a priest starts lying in order to make himself look important … beware of him. Run. It applies to the SSPX, and it applies to Zuhlsdorf. And when such a priest owns a gun …

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 023 – 17 Jan 2021

Carlo Maria Vigano in 2013

Key words: Acolytes, Burke, COVID vaccine, Cults, Ellen White, EWTN, Face diapers, Fr Zuhlsdorf, Labor, Labour, Lectors, Masks, Pope Francis, Pope Leo XIII, Rerum novarum, Spiritus Domini, Traditionalism, Unions, Vigano, Women

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SSPX – turning ordinary Masses into funerals (how to)

SSPX chapel quarantine notice, 25 March 2020

Apparently nobody important has fallen for the funeral ploy, and instead there will be house Masses and very surreptitious chapel Masses, with the usual “park a distance away, creep in slowly one at a time, leave in the same cautious way” warning.

Sounds like a spy novel, and no doubt that’s part of the excitement for them. They get to live out their persecution complex, express their bizarre ideas about COVID, sing (very important to them), they feel like martyrs, and this gives them their adrenaline rush.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 022 – 2 Jan 2021

Dr Ben Carson

Key words: Abraham, Ben Carson, Christmas, COVID restrictions, Inadmissible, Kosher, Mark of the beast, Milk and meat together, Name of the Lord, New Testament priesthood, Novena, Religious freedom, Three angels

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