Tag: Abortion

Prerequisites for a National Sunday law

Pope Benedict XVI wearing a camauro

The Catholic Church simply doesn’t have the influence in modern society to get such a law right, even if it wanted to. It will never happen anyway, but if it did, the world would have to change a LOT. It would be an extreme law, requiring a situation much different to that of today.

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Should Catholics be pro or anti vaccination?

Pope Francis giving a polio vaccine

Vaccines and the huge benefits they have brought are a matter of science and history and fact, and there is plenty of evidence for those who are willing to look at it. I’ll briefly comment on some aspects of vaccine success and discuss some legitimate instances where vaccines are inappropriate, and I’ll give useful links below; my purpose here is to make a statement and not to provide several years worth of studying science on one page. I’ll also touch on the valid problem of vaccines tainted with a history of abortion.

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Abortion and Seventh-day Adventism


This page outlines the problem and provides what I think are the best resources on the interweb regarding the problem of abortion in the Seventh-day Adventist church. Adventism’s official teaching on abortion is not pro-life. It permits abortion under any circumstances, without judgement. It acknowledges that it is a serious matter …

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Adventist abortion is the healing ministry of Jesus

Adoration of the Shepherds, by Gerard van Honthorst, 1622 AD

Prolife Andrew over on YouTube has some amazing videos on the problem of abortion in the Seventh-day Adventist church. Andrew, unlike his church, is pro-life. Andrew cites some very telling statistics about abortion in the Adventist church in the embedded video below.

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A Catholic understanding of St John’s Revelation

John's Vision of Heaven

Previously I was asked about my understanding of the end times and the correct interpretation of Revelation.

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Kindle edition – It’s Okay Not To Be A Seventh-Day Adventist

It's Ok Not to be a Seventh-Day Adventist

The Kindle edition of Teresa and Arthur Beem’s book, “It’s Okay Not To Be A Seventh-Day Adventist”, is now available at Amazon.

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Ben Carson, the next US President, and anti-Catholic?

Dr Ben Carson; photo by Gage Skidmore

An Adventist is possibly amongst those running for the throne that is arguably the most powerful position in the world. Dr Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr., a retired neurosurgeon and a Republican, is potentially the next US President. And he is a Seventh-day Adventist.

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Adventism cannot be the true remnant church

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

Adventism claims to be the chosen remnant church, called out of the rest of Christianity. The identifying sign of the remnant, according to Adventism, is that they keep all 10 commandments. They don’t. Officially, Adventism condones abortion. That means, officially, Adventism cannot be the true remnant they claim to be.

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The Catholic Apologist – Young Evangelists

Crucifixion from Santa Maria Antiqua

Continuing my posts on young Catholic apologists/evangelists, this is part 2 of 3. A young guy called Joseph has a YouTube channel with (currently) 38 videos defending various Catholic teachings. “To all Catholics in good standing with the Church, I hope that you learn something from these videos that will help you in your life later on. To all non-Catholics and cafeteria Catholics, please be opened to the truth and let God show you the correct path.”

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Adventists and abortion – updated again

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

One of Teresa and Arthur Beem’s turning points in their conversion from Adventism to Catholicism was the issue of abortion. Adventists neglect the commandment against murder. Tesa has a lovely post on her blog about this.

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Abortion in 100 years – Prime Minister Julia Gillard

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has delivered a national apology to victims of forced adoption practices that were in place in Australia from the late 1950s to the 1970s. I can imagine that one day humanity will say these words about abortion.

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Can men have opinions on abortion?

I’m not a woman who has suffered abuse, but I have an opinion on domestic abuse. I’m not a man, but I have an opinion on funding for prostate cancer research. I’m not a slave, but I have an opinion on human trafficking. I’m not a soldier or live in a war zone, but I have an opinion on Canadian military engagement. I’m not an Aboriginal person, but I have an opinion on the Idle No More movement.

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Partial birth abortion

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

One of the witnesses was a nurse who testified that she had watched Haskell put scissors into the head of a twenty-six-week Down syndrome fetus while “the baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his feet were kicking.” … Some women treat their dogs better than their own unwanted litters.

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Abortion ends 50% of SA pregnancies

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

Fifty percent of all pregnancies in South Africa end up in abortion and more than 500 000 women have had the procedure done since the introduction of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) Act in 1997.

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Wrongful birth, wrongful life

Picture of a random baby off WikiMedia Commons

A case of a failed abortion for reasons of eugenics that ruined the plans of the parents.

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The execution of Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein after capture

Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. For example, if a Catholic were to be at odds with the Holy Father on the application of capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be considered unworthy to present himself to receive Holy Communion.

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The death penalty

The New England Journal of Medicine’s latest edition has a free full text commentary and free audio on the ethics of the death penalty from a medical perspective. Quite graphic, and very insightful. One wonders why abortion is different.

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Ending abortion in America

This looks like a powerful attempt to end abortion in the USA. I am skeptical – I don’t believe that the pro-abortion lobby will stand for it, and will somehow get it right to have this fail. I hope I am wrong. The people promoting this are the Ultimate Coalition for Unborn Children. Pray for them!

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China, abortion, rape

Via Mark La Roi’s blog, I found out that the person who exposed China’s forced abortion policy has been put under house arrest.

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Stop abortions if the mother is in labour!

“Liu said that the medical officials would only stop an abortion if an expectant mother was in labour.”

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