Tag: Orthodox

Adventist and Catholic News & Views 014 – 26 Sept 2020

Pope Francis giving a polio vaccine

Key words: Baptism, Catechesis, Convert, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Vaccine, COVID-19, COVID vaccine, Hiroshima, Invalid baptism, Loma Linda, Mark Galli, Orthodox, Pope Francis, Quackery, Vaccine

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SSPX quiz answers

Liturgy of St James - Bread and Wine prior to Consecration

There are a few questions in the SSPX quiz that are related to specific facts/concepts, and people tend to answer “Unsure” or its equivalent. I’ll give the answers here.

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What Catholics Believe – Mary, the Virgin Mother of God

Madonna enthroned with Angels

As the symbol of the Church, and as the first Christian, Mary is now what we will become. She birthed God into the world; we are called to bring God to others. She was sinless; we will be made spotless. She was taken body and soul into heaven; we will ultimately be resurrected and our bodies reunited with our souls in heaven.

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Liturgies – Catholic vs Orthodox

The Mass

The two videos below show the differences between some modern Catholic and Orthodox Masses / Divine Liturgies. Eastern rite Catholics are similar to the Orthodox.

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New videos of the Mass

Consecration - Elevation at Holy Mass

I’ve posted new videos of the Mass / Divine Liturgy / liturgical celebrations on my page The Mass – video collection.

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Is Easter pagan?

Icon of the Resurrection

Adventists, and others such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and those groups continuing Herbert Armstrong’s legacy, often claim that Easter is derived from a pagan festival. In fact, there are two important points to raise in response to them – a) whether or not Easter is pagan, and, for the Armstrong followers, b) which days of the week the Crucifixion and Resurrection were.

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“Go and repair my Church” – What should Pope Francis repair?

Icon of Christ Crucified, chapel of San Damiano, near Assisi

God said to St Francis of Assisi, “Francis, Francis, go and repair My house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins”. So, what needs repair?

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Re-inventing the Adventist Wheel – God’s visible grace

Icon of Christ Crucified, chapel of San Damiano, near Assisi

I have been invited to be a contributor on one of the progressive Adventist blogs out there in the Adventist blogosphere – Re-inventing the Adventist Wheel. God’s visible grace is the title of my first post there. Quite a debate ensued here and there.

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The puzzle of Lent

Easter Dates 2007-2030

The date for Easter, as most people know it, is calculated according to rules defined by the Catholic Church centuries ago. Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Dutch Reformed, and other Protestant churches that celebrate Lent, a 40 day preparation before Easter, along with most Catholics, keep Lent the way most people know it.

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Christmas is not pagan

Midnight Mass 2012

Again from the SDA2RC blog, something the Worldwide Church of God splinter groups, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and some Adventists, such as Bacchiocchi, need to consider – the evidence that Christmas was not derived from a pagan celebration.

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Original sin and the Orthodox

Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople

The Eastern Orthodox Churches often object to the western / Catholic concept of original sin. The SDA2RC blog lists two excellent articles by Orthodox authors about why this may simply be a misunderstanding of terminology, with both sides quite compatible in their beliefs.

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Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and Patriarch Bartholomew I

Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople

Common Declaration by Pope Benedict XVI and Patriarch Bartholomew I “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” (Ps 117:24) This fraternal encounter which brings us together, Pope Benedict XVI of Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, is God’s work, and in a certain sense his …

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Mary, Mother of God

Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

The following debate on alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic shows how people often misunderstand the concept of Mary being the Mother of God.

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Orthodox, Catholics, and Adventism

Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

The Orthodox share with Catholicism most of the teachings that Catholicism and Protestantism disagree on. Mary, her sinlessness, her body taken up into heaven, the Eucharist being literally the physical body and blood of Christ, asking saints in heaven to pray for us, Apostolic succession, the liturgical expression of our faith, 46 books in the Old Testament instead of the Protestant 39 (actually, some Orthodox have more.) And so it goes on. On issues such as Mary and Purgatory, they tend to share the same beliefs, but express them in very different ways.

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Serbians and Adventism

If you can understand Serbian, and are interested in Adventism, here’s a website run by ex-Adventists who are now Orthodox Christians. It looks like there’s a lot of info there, I just don’t understand what it says.

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Just Who Did Change The Ten Commandments?

No, we did not change God’s law, we just list the wording differently to what you do. And also, not all Catholics do that. Many Catholics use EXACTLY the same ten commandments as you Adventists and Protestants do! In fact, Martin Luther, and most Lutherans today, use the same numbering system as Catholics in the west!

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