Tag: Cult

The Cape Town SSPX and COVID – The Index of Lessons Learnt

SSPX logo

Over the last year, I’ve written about a Catholic fringe group, a cult, whose Masses I used to attend. I live(d) next door to them. The Society of St Pius X (SSPX) in Cape Town.

My realisation of the sickness within this cult began on St Patrick’s Day 2020, aka 17 March, as the COVID-19 pandemic was rearing it’s ugly (but real) head, and it will mostly come to an end on St Joseph’s Day 2021, aka 19 March. To St Joseph, thank you for getting rid of these people and their cleric.

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How the mighty have fallen – from Mother A to Father Z

Snake handling

Several things worry me. Zuhlsdorf lies, about important things, not just little things. When a person with such an aura of self-importance, especially a cleric, lies … something is wrong. When a priest starts lying in order to make himself look important … beware of him. Run. It applies to the SSPX, and it applies to Zuhlsdorf. And when such a priest owns a gun …

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St Marys, Kansas – an SSPX town

Catholic church, St Marys, Kansas, USA, 1851

My blog series on the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) and the COVID pandemic has caught the attention of at least one person in St Marys, Kansas, USA. So I’ll say hello here to all the other St Marys residents too.
Hello to St Marys, Kansas!!

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Video: The Truth about the SSPX

SSPX ordinations 27 June 2020 - no masks visible

Below is Patrick Coffin’s video about the SSPX. Very enlightening, especially about the way cults avoid facts, accuse those who disagree of hatred, claim victim-hood, and deflect.

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SSPX Resistance, the spin-off

Bishop Richard Williamson, suspended

I recently discovered another horrific story about a radical traditionalist group behaving similarly towards COVID. Called SSPX Resistance, they are an SSPX spinoff who followed the weirdest SSPX bishop, Bishop Williamson, after he was excommunicated from the SSPX. He’s the guy who publicly claimed on Swedish television that the Holocaust never happened, on the same day he was un-excommunicated from the real Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI.

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SSPX – the Dangers of a Cult Mentality

The International Seminary of Saint Pius X in Écône

Previously we looked at clear, plain statements from three popes (and others) that confirmed that the relationship between the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) and the Catholic Church is not one of “full communion”. Now we’ll look at how they are a good example of a group with a cult mentality.

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Is the SSPX in schism from the Catholic Church?

Archbishop Lefebvre in 1981 - suspended even from hearing confessions barring an emergency

“For the pastoral benefit of these faithful, and trusting in the good will of their priests to strive with God’s help for the recovery of full communion in the Catholic Church, I have personally decided to extend this faculty beyond the Jubilee Year …”

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Update on SSPX sect’s evasion of lockdown

Stay at home, Pray at home

At the 7 June sung Mass, the entire SSPX congregation was singing, in contravention of the law. The neighbours could hear it clearly. On Tuesday 9 June, the police met with the cleric and informed him that group singing was prohibited. He claimed that he did not know this. In light of his knowledge of the regulations, I do not believe the cleric.

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Catholic Stupidity in Coronavirus Season

Novus Ordo Seclorum

Life is normal for me, except for the quiet roads and longer and more tiring working hours in a COVID lab. But for most people, this must feel post-apocalyptic. They’re grasping for some level of control over their lives, and, sometimes, YouTube and conspiracy theories provide an outlet. However dangerous that may be. Now a bunch of Catholic bishops have signed a declaration that the whole lockdown thing is a plot by shady businesses and tyrannical governments to institute a one world government that answers to nobody. Just because they’re being told they can’t go to church and make people sick.

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The SSPX – when a church goes COVID cult

SSPX chapel quarantine notice, 25 March 2020

As a clinical virologist involved in the fight against SARS coronavirus 2 in South Africa, I advised 2 Catholic groups in Cape Town on how to manage groups of people (at Mass and otherwise) during the local epidemic. The Catholic Archdiocese of Cape Town shut down 12 days before the country shut down, and went online with video streams of congregationless Masses. Some in the SSPX congregation then advertised their chapel as the only Catholic church that was open, then crammed “very close to 100 people” into a chapel that seats 70-80 at most, and then made plans to continue underground Mass throughout lockdown, thereby recklessly disregarding the safety of the community.

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Adventist and Catholic News & Views 003 – 17 Jan 2020

Pope Benedict XVI wearing a camauro

Key words: Eastern Catholic Churches, Orthodox Churches, Ratzinger, Ratzinger Proposal, Zogby Initiative, Sexual assault, Proclamation, Hell, Cult, Mixed marriage, Christmas, Pagan, Order of Malta, Cardinal Burke, Mister McCarrick, Vaccines, Kari Paulsen, Syro-Malabar Church, Latinisation

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Does Adventism teach a deficient Gospel?

James and Ellen White

In the recent discussions with Adventists I’ve started to realise that Saturday observance, in the way modern sabbatarians teach it, is actually more than just a theological difference, more than just a minor error. It’s a complete defect in the nature of the New Covenant.

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The Maria Divine Mercy cult – beware

"The Book of Truth" - so-called

This blog is about Adventism, but the Maria Divine Mercy cult is much like Adventism – false prophecies, teachings contrary to the Bible, etc. In fact they’re quite similar to Adventism in some ways, as Supertradmum points out on her blog Etheldredasplace: WOW from A Reader

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Shame on you – Adventists, dishonesty, and the Catholic Church

Jesus doesn't like lies being told about Christians.

Adventists have a reputation for their dishonesty, and not just among Catholics. Out there in real life and on the internet there is a huge collection of anti-Catholic propaganda waiting for gullible Catholics, and others, to ensnare them. When a Catholic meets a certain type of Adventist, this sort of propaganda abounds.

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Questions on Doctrine

The saving grace of the entire situation is that the Adventists fortunately deny the logical conclusions to which their doctrines must lead them; i.e. a negation of the full validity of the atonement of Christ, which validity they absolutely confirm, and embrace with considerable fervor – a paradoxical situation at best!

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