By various means, people have calculated that it was 50 days (inclusive) after Passover that the 10 Commandments were give by God to Moses.
May 2016 archive
May 06 2016
Refuting an Adventist theory without providing a replacement theory
I was told that I was being unreasonable in not providing an alternative theory for Daniel’s prophecies. If I wanted to refute Adventism’s interpretation of Daniel, I needed to provide an alternative theory in addition to showing why Adventism was wrong.
May 01 2016
Debate about Old Testament food laws
I posted a photo of Dutch frikandellen in an Adventist Facebook forum to draw out some discussion on Adventist dietary laws, with the hope that I could present, in back and forth discussion fashion, the material on my two blog posts “Clean and unclean meat”, Part 1 and Part 2.