Tag: Apostles

Acts 13 – Returning to hear Paul the next sabbath?

Donkey, Boston Public Library

If Paul observed Sunday and wasn’t keeping the sabbath by preaching in the synagogues on the sabbath, why didn’t he just tell the people to come to his sermon the next day …

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Jesus’ brothers and sisters

Mother of God of Vladimir

To complete the collection of posts I have on the virginity of Mary, I’ll address the brothers of Jesus named in the Bible.

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Testimony – Adventist converts to Maronite Catholic

St John Maron

This is a series of e-mails I got from a lady who converted from Anglican to Adventist, spent 20 years as an Adventist, realised how wrong it was, went back to the Anglican church for a while, and then finally converted to the Catholic faith. … “I have only recently discovered your Catholic help webpage on the net and wish to thank you for your courage in sharing your faith, plus the extensive biblical/Early Church Fathers debunking of SDA teachings re Catholic Christianity, salvation, the role of Jesus Christ etc. that you have made available.”

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What Catholics Believe – Sunday observance

The Resurrection of Christ

Catholics (and most other Christians) believe Sunday is a special day to be celebrated, because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead. The Jews kept the Sabbath on Saturday, and this is reflected in the 10 Commandments. However, only the moral code of the Old Testament is applicable to Christians – we don’t need to sacrifice animals, keep Passover, Yom Kippur, or the Sabbath, and we are free from the dietary restrictions as well.

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Why we keep Sunday

Mother of God of Vladimir, a 12th century icon

Hi I am curious and am searching on why should we keep the Sunday worship. That is the only question I want to know can you please tell me the answer. I’m not good with the computer So please can you explain.

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Those arrogant Apostles

Donkey, Boston Public Library

The letter you see above is a parody of Roland Martin’s letter, written by me, to depict what an early dissenter from the Apostolic faith may have said back then.

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“The Sabbath, is of utmost importance!!”

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

One of the comments there is worth highlighting. It’s a wonderful example of how the Sabbath gets read into the New Testament Christian life without biblical support. “Sure, Korsman is right about there being no command in the New Testament to keep the Sabbath, and no clear cases where the New Testament Christians kept it …” Stark admission. But that’s where it ends.

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The Sabbath in the Gospels

Adventists tell us that the Bible commands Sabbath keeping for Christians. All the verses mentioning the Sabbath in the New Testament (apart from the Gospels) are discussed [link]. Not one commands Sabbath observance, and not one gives an example of Christians keeping the Sabbath.

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A positive Adventist experience of Catholicism

Icon of Christ Crucified, chapel of San Damiano, near Assisi

Maybe this is too progressive for some. But the ProgressiveAdventism blog has taken a look at how Catholic practices are seen as positive experiences by some Adventists … all the way down to liturgical chants.

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More on Sunday and Pope Sylvester I

Michael Schiefler has been trying to squeeze more water out of a stone on his anti-Catholic website. I commented on it before. He seems to think he has the name of the Pope that changed the Sabbath to Sunday nailed down – Pope Sylvester I. Scheifler is basing his claims on second-hand information based on what are probably spurious documents.

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Is Saturday the True Sabbath?

Donkey, Boston Public Library

Obviously, then, the challenge to the Catholic comes on several fronts; first, we must examine the argument that the seventh-day Sabbath was truly “given as a sign forever, and a perpetual covenant”; next, we must show from Scripture that the apostles did, in fact, worship on Sunday; finally, we have to answer the accusation that it was a pope (or council) who imposed the change, and that this was not done until (at the earliest) the mid-to-late 4th century.

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Who changed the Sabbath?

Pope Pius V

Adventists often make the claim that Catholicism claims to have changed the Sabbath. They then cite their proof – unofficial texts, usually newspaper quotes, statements that disagree with the official Catholic position. This is a classic Adventist ploy. I’ve discussed it further here. Without that, Adventism can’t pinpoint which pope they claim changed the Sabbath.

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Who changed the Sabbath: Adventist misquoting

Often one sees Adventists quoting Catholic sources to show that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Usually these quotes are either from sources that are not real sources of Catholic teaching (e.g. newspapers) while others are taken out of context.

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Pope Sylvester I – who changed the Sabbath?

Michael Scheifler has a “rebuttal” on his website to something I wrote. He claims that the pope who changed the Sabbath to Sunday was Pope Sylvester I. In light of the teachings of Ellen White, and in light of history – as taught by real historians – this cannot be seen as more than a failed attempt to make the argument seem viable. But it is not viable.

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Constantine, the Papacy, and the real origins of Sunday

If I understand the Catholic position correctly, they say the Pope did not change the Seventh Day Sabbath to Sunday. They contend this was done by the Apostolic Church and there is no record of a “Pope” making the change, but it was done on authority of the Catholic Church.

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