Yesterday I discovered several blogs/websites and YouTube channels belonging to young Catholics. Their faith is really alive, and they are able to defend their faith, and communicate their relationship with Christ in a fascinating way. I’ve decided that I will do separate blog posts on the three of them. The other two are here and here.
These people are clearly Catholic apologists in their own right. They know what they believe and share it with others. Most Catholic apologists I follow are older than I am. These apologists of the future are probably all just under half my age. If the Jesuits had the vibrance and spirit of these people, the world would be converted in a matter of weeks.
New Catholic Generation
New Catholic Generation is an organization composed of all Catholic Teenagers on YouTube testifying to their faith in Jesus Christ.
Yesterday I posted a video on the Latin Mass from Renee, who runs New Catholic Generation. The website is for young Catholic vloggers – video blogging, on YouTube.
Publicly demonstrating their lives as Catholic teens by way of a video blog, those of NCG hope to show their own upcoming generation that if one knows the truth, they should live by it and further pursue it today, not tomorrow or in ten years.
Vlogging from the age of 16, Renee has been on youtube sharing her daily insights as a catholic teen for almost two years. She is driven by a desire to show her generation that they are called to be saints TODAY, and that being a teen is not an excuse to “go out, party and live your life the way you want” as today’s culture promotes.
I think that says it all – they’re on fire for their faith in Christ, and living out the New Evangelisation.
Their website is here, and the page about Renee is here.
They’re on Facebook here and Renee’s YouTube channel is here.
And two YouTube videos to finish off:
Update: Fr Z has blogged about Renee’s video on the Latin Mass here: A teen talks about the Traditional Latin Mass – VIDEO
Wow this is wonderful! :D Thanks for sharing! God bless you! -Renee of NCG
My pleasure :-)