The Catholic Apologist – Young Evangelists

Continuing my posts on young Catholic apologists/evangelists, this is part 2 of 3.  The other two are here and here.

The Catholic Apologist

A young guy called Joseph has a YouTube channel with (currently) 38 videos defending various Catholic teachings.  I’ll embed three below, but it was really hard to choose, so I’ve linked to some others as well.

This is his YouTube channel, and The Catholic Apologist Facebook page.

To all Catholics in good standing with the Church, I hope that you learn something from these videos that will help you in your life later on. To all non-Catholics and cafeteria Catholics, please be opened to the truth and let God show you the correct path.


The Catholic Apologist

And the videos:

7 Lies about Catholics

The Eucharist (Part 1 – Part 2 is here)

Debunking the arguments against Mary the Mother of God (Part 1 – Part 2 is here)

Holy Communion in the hand, or on the tongue?

Divinity of Christ

Well Jesus didn’t mean it that way…..Oh Really?!

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