Christ Pantocrater
Now that my old website and blog have moved over to the WordPress setup, I want to keep adding content.
But what?
This blog is not the sort that will attract a lot of attention. It doesn’t get huge amounts of traffic. It’s aimed at Catholic/Adventist interaction, which is not a big topic. There are hundreds of Catholic blogs out there dealing with general Catholicism, and far better ones dealing with general apologetics. Most Catholics don’t need this blog; most people interested in Catholicism would do better with general apologetics blogs. Unless they’re Adventist, and even then there are two other good sources of Catholic/Adventist discussion – Seventh-day Adventist to Roman Catholic and It’s Okay NOT to be a Seventh-day Adventist, both by converts from Adventism to Catholicism – which I am not.
I don’t want to become a general Catholic blog, or go into (too much) general apologetics. From time to time I will discuss general Catholic topics, as the need, and my inclination, arises. I want my main audience to be a) Catholics who need a defence of their faith specifically from Adventist arguments against Catholicism, and b) Adventists seriously interested in understanding Catholicism and why we don’t accept their arguments as sound.
I have a few ideas I’m working on for future topics. For the few visitors I get, please mention what you think I could write posts on. Thanks.
Note: I do not do formal debates. Discussions along the lines of Dave Armstrong’s style would be based on e-mail discussions, and possibly comment threads.