Greetings. I must say that I appreciate what you have to say about how the SDA’s treat those in the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church in general. Although I am not a member of the Catholic Church, and although I do not see the Catholic Church as “the true church,” I am especially sensitive to other Christians, Catholic or otherwise, who are mistreated by the SDA Church.
Tag: Catholic Church
Apr 11 2004
Adventist dishonesty in the way they present the Catholic faith
Recently (the week or so prior to Easter 2004) someone on alt.religion.christian.adventist and alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic posted several messages about Adventism, claiming it was a cult, and listing some of its doctrines. Several Adventists responded with shock, aghast at the way someone could misrepresent their faith in this way.
Dec 31 2003
The Sabbath and the 8th day
The Sabbath command is the only one of the Ten Commandments which can be altered in any way, because only it is a part of the ceremonial law. This is taught by the Roman Catechism issued after the Council of Trent: “The other commandments of the Decalogue are precepts of the natural law, obligatory at all times [and for all people] and unalterable. Hence, after the abrogation of the Law of Moses, all the Commandments contained in the two tables are observed by Christians, not indeed because their observance is commanded by Moses, but because they are in conformity with nature which dictates obedience to them
Nov 27 2003
Adventist Review’s indirect admission of Ellen White’s errors
I know people who, because of a few comments in Ellen White’s book The Great Controversy, have a great fondness for the Albigensians (or Cathars), who were also considered heretics. Many were killed for their faith. These Cathars were very different from the Waldensians. They believed that Jesus was an angel, denied Jesus was really a man who died and was resurrected, and believed the Old Testament came from Satan. They discouraged marriage. They were in their day what David Koresh’s Branch Davidians are in ours. Were they heretics or martyrs? Could they be both?
Oct 08 2003
Adventist anti-Catholic hatred is alive and well
From time to time I get some vicious remarks from Adventists who don’t want to discuss the Bible, but feel they should take the opportunity to insult those of us who do take it seriously. Here are a few of the best, along with some statements that, without being nasty, demonstrate the real nature of Adventist anti-Catholicism.
Nov 28 2001
Another SDA, Pam, attacks the truth but refuses to discuss the Bible
Why is this the case? Pam H, and all other Adventists who are so willing to attack Catholicism backed up only by myths and propaganda they hear in anti-Catholic sermons and read in grossly inaccurate tracts passed out on street corners – why are you willing to insult, ridicule, and slander something and then refuse to engage in any form of mature discussion when your views are questioned?
Nov 05 2001
Constantine, the Papacy, and the real origins of Sunday
If I understand the Catholic position correctly, they say the Pope did not change the Seventh Day Sabbath to Sunday. They contend this was done by the Apostolic Church and there is no record of a “Pope” making the change, but it was done on authority of the Catholic Church.
Dec 10 1999
Albigensians, Waldensians, and Ellen White
If Jesus preserved his Church at all times, and did in fact remain with it at all times as he promised, then the inescapable conclusion is that the Catholic Church of the first, second, third, and later centuries is the Church to which he made these promises. Such a conclusion is unacceptable to the carnal mind, and so several Christians who choose not to accept the biblical authority of the Church have tried to find a way around this. They usually turn to the Albigensians, Waldenses, and other heretical sects to try to find a “true church” outside of Catholicism, but always in existence. If they can’t find such a church, they must either accept Catholicism, or consider Jesus to be a liar.
Apr 25 1999
Dies Domini – a response to Samuele Bacchiocchi
Prof Samuele Bacchiocchi is one of the Adventist Church’s leading scholars. Recently he has written a response to the papal encyclical Dies Domini (The Day of the Lord). In this essay I have responded briefly to some of his claims. I have not done an exhaustive study on the matter, as time does not permit that. Perhaps that will come in time.
Sep 17 1998
Seventh-day Adventists and 666
So Ellen Gould White, the prophetess of Seventh Day Adventism, has a name that adds up to 666, and it is the number of a name and not of a title.
Sep 14 1998
Did the papacy really uproot the 3 horns of Daniel 7:8,24?
In what follows, I would like to try to prove two things – a) the three tribes were NOT defeated by the papacy, and were NOT the only three tribes to be defeated like they were, and b) the most essential part of this SDA prophetic scenario will be debunked when it is shown that the neither the Western Roman Empire, nor the nations of Western Europe, fit into the “10 horn” image of Daniel/Revelation. Because there were NOT 10 “horns” or kingdoms in this area at this time, it is totally ridiculous to say that these 15-20 nations represent a 10-horned beast !!! Without that, none of the SDA’s claims can be applied to the papacy, simply because they have found the papacy in entirely the wrong place, and have grossly misunderstood what the Bible, specifically the book of Daniel, is saying. It is obvious to me from the study I have made into the SDA theory that the SDA Church simply has no clue about what the facts really are.
Sep 04 1998
Laughable answers I have received to my legitimate email questions
By Bob Stanley … Laughable answers I have received to my legitimate email questions … with a few laughable remarks thrown in…
Sep 02 1998
How to study Adventism and Catholicism – an example
… by Bob Stanley Fords and Chevys So you went out and purchased an old used car, and soon after, it had a problem. You did not have the money to have a mechanic fix it so you decided to fix it yourself. Not knowing anything about that brand of car,you purchased a repair manual …
Jul 05 1998
Dies Domini, by Pope John Paul II
Apostolic Letter Dies Domini of the Holy Father John Paul II to the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful of the Catholic Church on keeping the Lord’s Day holy
Dec 31 1997
More Vicarius Thrills – the numbers of the beast and the men who flub them
… by Patrick Madrid, Editor-in-Chief, Envoy Magazine … Do we need any more proof that apologetics is fun? Well, here’s more. When I wrote my article “Pope Fiction” (March/April 1998), I knew it might rile some people, and it did. Shortly after it appeared, I received a letter from a Mr. Allan Drisko. He didn’t care for my piece, especially my refutation of the 666 nonsense sometimes used against the papacy.