Tag: Sunday

The Gregorian responds

On some issues, Bergami was wrong. On the rest, it seems that Bacchiocchi will let them go. In light of this, I apologise to Samuele Bacchiocchi for the trouble my inquiries have caused him. My questions were justified, and brought greater clarity as to the relationship between his thesis, his promotors, and the Catholic Church. But I never wished for someone to provide misleading information the way Barbara Bergami did. What her motivations were, and how well she investigated the matter, are not known. How Gregorian will deal with her will probably never be known.

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The puzzle of Lent

Easter Dates 2007-2030

The date for Easter, as most people know it, is calculated according to rules defined by the Catholic Church centuries ago. Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Dutch Reformed, and other Protestant churches that celebrate Lent, a 40 day preparation before Easter, along with most Catholics, keep Lent the way most people know it.

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“The Sabbath, is of utmost importance!!”

South Arabian Sabbath lamp

One of the comments there is worth highlighting. It’s a wonderful example of how the Sabbath gets read into the New Testament Christian life without biblical support. “Sure, Korsman is right about there being no command in the New Testament to keep the Sabbath, and no clear cases where the New Testament Christians kept it …” Stark admission. But that’s where it ends.

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The Sabbath in the Gospels

Adventists tell us that the Bible commands Sabbath keeping for Christians. All the verses mentioning the Sabbath in the New Testament (apart from the Gospels) are discussed [link]. Not one commands Sabbath observance, and not one gives an example of Christians keeping the Sabbath.

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Detailed Bacchiocchi analysis on the XCG blog

On the XCG blog, Jared has compiled an extremely detailed analysis of Bacchiocchi’s two responses to the Gregorian Controversy. What interests me the most is the Imprimi Potest. There is a detailed discussion of the Imprimatur/Imprimi Potest at XCG, comment 91. How did it turn into an Imprimatur?

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If Gregorian is wrong

If Gregorian has been telling the truth about the Bacchiocchi issue, then the outcome is clear – Bacchiocchi will be put in perspective, and Gregorian retains respect. On the other hand, if Gregorian has NOT been telling the truth … what then?

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Latest update on Bacchiocchi

Bacchiocchi says his submission to Gregorian and Bishop Murray will be ready in about 10 days.

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More on Sunday and Pope Sylvester I

Michael Schiefler has been trying to squeeze more water out of a stone on his anti-Catholic website. I commented on it before. He seems to think he has the name of the Pope that changed the Sabbath to Sunday nailed down – Pope Sylvester I. Scheifler is basing his claims on second-hand information based on what are probably spurious documents.

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Second part of Bacchiocchi’s response

Bacchiocchi’s Response to False Allegations Pt 2 has been posted on-line by Bacchiocchi. One has to wade through a lot of information, such as recommendations for his book, that really do nothing to prove his side of the story. If you cut it down to the necessary facts, does he really provide solid evidence? He provides a good case. But a lot of it remains unverified. His explanation of the process of publishing his thesis is convincing. Does anyone out there have a copy of the original abridged version?

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Is Saturday the True Sabbath?

Donkey, Boston Public Library

Obviously, then, the challenge to the Catholic comes on several fronts; first, we must examine the argument that the seventh-day Sabbath was truly “given as a sign forever, and a perpetual covenant”; next, we must show from Scripture that the apostles did, in fact, worship on Sunday; finally, we have to answer the accusation that it was a pope (or council) who imposed the change, and that this was not done until (at the earliest) the mid-to-late 4th century.

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The end of the Novena

I should note that requesting the prayers of deceased non-Catholics is not the norm, and that non-Catholics are not canonised as saints in the Catholic Church. If Ellen White is in heaven, we do not know, but we can hope and pray that she is. If she is, she will be praying with us. If not, God hears our prayers – cf Romans 8:26. This is therefore a private devotion, not one officially sanctioned by the Church, which I have shared with you.

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Novena for Adventists – Day 7 – The Sabbath

Today we pray for Adventism, which teaches rest on the 7th day, and objects when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection on the 8th day. We pray that they may discover that their rest is in Christ, that we are not bound by days that were signs of the Old Covenant, that they may commemorate the new creation in Christ, instead of the old creation in Adam, and that they may celebrate our exodus from sin and not just Israel’s exodus from Egypt.

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A Novena for Adventists

Novena - Introduction

In the Nine Days leading up to the 179th anniversary of the birth of Adventist prophetess Ellen White, we will say a novena – a prayer continued for nine days – for those who follow her teachings today.

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Bacchiocchi’s response to the Gregorian debate

Today Bacchiocchi published the first part of his response to their allegations in his Endtime Issues newsletter number 159, which can be found on his website. In the next, I hope to see his explanation of a) the imprimatur, b) the continued use of the imprimatur on an edition for which it was not obtained, c) the use of the name of Gregorian University Press on newer editions in a way that looks official, and d) evidence of the initial publication by them.

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Bacchiocchi – images of his diploma and medal

Samuele Bacchiocchi has said that he will be posting scanned images of his certificates on his website as part of a statement against the allegations made by Gregorian University regarding his credentials and claims about his PhD and his dissertation. We all hope to see that statement soon, but while we wait, here are a few scanned images he sent me a while back.

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Which chapter did Sam publish?

Which chapter of his full dissertation did Samuele Bacchiocchi publish for the purposes of obtaining his PhD? I.e. the Tesina, published in 1975. He claims that one chapter was published. He claims that three chapters were published. He claims that the published chapter was chapter 5. He claims that the published chapter was chapter 7. He claims that the published chapter was in fact three chapters – the first three chapters. He claims that the Tesina was 117 pages long. He claims that the Tesina was 150 pages long, and was required to be at least 120 pages. Is he getting derailed? Is he now making mistakes?

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Bacchiocchi’s current crisis

Two other blogs have taken up the topic of Samuele Bacchiocchi’s credentials and the allegations that they are not what he says they are. Gregorian University apparently denies that he got his PhD summa cum laude, that he received any medals, that his book was given an imprimatur, and that they printed it.

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Allegations regarding Bacchiocchi’s dissertation

It looks like the controversy surrounding Adventist scholar Samuele Bacchiocchi’s claims regarding his credentials and his thesis have once again sparked discussion. So, finally, after more than 2 years, Bacchiocchi is going to make a formal statement. It will certainly be interesting. Will he be able to provide verification for any claims he makes in his statement, any images he produces? Will the authenticity of any documentation he produces remain in question, or be resolved? Will Gregorian respond, or will they relegate him to the long list of thorns in their side that they simply ignore … which, amusingly, includes a dozen or so people claiming to be the real pope.

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Apparently I whine

Pen and scroll

Richard Kissell’s previous e-mail from about 2 years ago: Apparently he had the same attitude then as he has now.

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Adventists abusing Socrates

Icon of Christ Crucified, chapel of San Damiano, near Assisi

There are two well-known quote from Socrates’ Ecclesiastical History. I am sure most Adventists and those who have come across what they teach are familiar with them. By taking away context, they hide the truth that these were not Sabbath keepers, but Sunday keepers who had retained the Sabbath as a custom.

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