Fake church sign with the only real biblical evidence Adventists have.
Tag: Sabbath
Aug 21 2015
Where is Sunday condemned in the Bible?
Aug 14 2015
Kindle edition – It’s Okay Not To Be A Seventh-Day Adventist
The Kindle edition of Teresa and Arthur Beem’s book, “It’s Okay Not To Be A Seventh-Day Adventist”, is now available at Amazon.
Jul 11 2015
Ellen White centenary prayers (novena) – Day 4
Today, leading up to the centenary of Ellen White’s death, we pray for Adventism, which teaches rest on the 7th day, and objects when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection on the 8th day. We pray that they may discover that their rest is in Christ, that we are not bound by days that were signs of the Old Covenant, that they may commemorate the new creation in Christ, instead of the old creation in Adam, and that they may celebrate our exodus from sin and not just Israel’s exodus from Egypt.
May 30 2015
Will Catholics persecute Adventists for sabbath keeping?
Seventh-day Adventists think that in the end times, they will be persecuted by Sunday-keeping Christians, and by Catholics in particular. Why? Because they think observing the weekly sabbath according to some, but not all, of the Old Testament sabbath laws, will be the test commandment, the test that shows they are the true followers of God.
Apr 24 2015
Baptism by immersion only?
Adventists baptise only by full immersion (submersion), and they don’t consider other forms of baptism to be real baptisms. They also don’t baptise infants, but that’s another story for another day. As with the Sabbath, Adventism’s doctrine is based on selected texts and not the entire biblical picture. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, …
Sep 27 2014
Adventism cannot be the true remnant church
Adventism claims to be the chosen remnant church, called out of the rest of Christianity. The identifying sign of the remnant, according to Adventism, is that they keep all 10 commandments. They don’t. Officially, Adventism condones abortion. That means, officially, Adventism cannot be the true remnant they claim to be.
Aug 30 2014
Dishonest Adventists
Here are some examples from recent Facebook conversations. Discussions are trimmed to include the relevant bits. Disgusting to read, and disgusting to have to deal with regularly. Not all the “Catholic” discussion is mine; where more than one person was involved in the discussion, they are numbered 1 and 2.
Aug 28 2014
The Sabbath first revealed to man
Exodus 16 is the very first time in the Bible when anyone is told to keep the Sabbath. What has just happened is that Israel has come out of Egypt. If we compare Exodus 20 to Deut 5, we get two things that the Sabbath represents. 1 – creation (in the Exodus text). 2 – coming out of Egypt (in the Deuteronomy text). God’s intention must have been to have a dual symbolism there.
Jun 18 2014
Whose truth is the real truth, and how can we know?
When Christians study the Bible and reach different conclusions, how can they figure out which conclusion is the correct one? Is there a way to know that one is right, apart from the conviction that the Holy Spirit has led one in one’s study of the Bible? When someone has a different interpretation of the Bible to ours, how do we know the Holy Spirit has led us, and not them? How can we be sure that we are right? Or is there a possibility that we’re wrong?
Feb 01 2014
Did Constantine found the Catholic Church?
The short answer, no, but that won’t satisfy Adventists and other anti-Catholics. Over at Almost Not Catholic, Brent has a good article debunking Adventist claims – Myth Buster: Constantine Founded the Catholic Church.
Nov 02 2013
The 10 Commandments and the New Law in Catholic teaching
Here we look at Catholic explanations, showing that this concept of the 10 Commandments being part of the Old Covenant legal code, and therefore not the legal code in effect today, is indeed believed by Catholics and supported by Catholic teaching.
Nov 01 2013
The Sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 3
In the first part of this series, we saw that the Sabbath commandment is one of the 10 Commandments, that the 10 Commandments are the words of the Old Covenant, and that the Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant. In Part 2 we looked at the New Covenant’s legal code, and saw that the 10 Commandments are no longer binding as a legal code under the New Covenant. Now we’ll look at how the 10 Commandments still apply to Christians.
Oct 31 2013
The Sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 2
In the first part of this series, we saw that the Sabbath commandment is one of the 10 Commandments, that the 10 Commandments are the words of the Old Covenant, and that the Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant. Now we’ll look at what the New Covenant’s legal code is, and what the 10 Commandments are under the New Covenant.
Oct 31 2013
Christian Halloween
No, Halloween is NOT a pagan holiday adopted by Catholics and passed on to Protestants. That’s a myth perpetuated by anti-Catholics and those who, contrary to the Bible, fear what has been offered to pagan gods. So, in reality, Halloween is a safe and fun secular practice with Christian origins. If you don’t believe that, or dislike the type of Christian faith it originated in, follow Paul’s advice. If you don’t feel you can go that far yet, don’t complain about those who have a stronger faith.
Oct 30 2013
The Sabbath and the Old Covenant, part 1
If you ask the average Christian, “Should we obey the 10 Commandments?” they will likely say “Yes.” Enter the Adventist, who then asks why the average Christian doesn’t keep the 4th commandment, which states that we should keep the Sabbath. … The Decalogue was the actual set of words making up the Old Covenant. The Old Covenant was replaced with the New. Even Paul acknowledges that the law written on stone has been replaced.
Oct 27 2013
St John Chrysostom on the Sabbath
St John Chrysostom makes a very interest point: 9 of the 10 Commandments were part of natural law, known to man before the 10 Commandments, and therefore not in need of any explanation. The Sabbath commandment was not like this – it needed to be revealed, and that is why it did not remain binding when the Mosaic Law came to an end – it was not part of natural law.
Aug 17 2013
Testimony – Adventist converts to Maronite Catholic
This is a series of e-mails I got from a lady who converted from Anglican to Adventist, spent 20 years as an Adventist, realised how wrong it was, went back to the Anglican church for a while, and then finally converted to the Catholic faith. … “I have only recently discovered your Catholic help webpage on the net and wish to thank you for your courage in sharing your faith, plus the extensive biblical/Early Church Fathers debunking of SDA teachings re Catholic Christianity, salvation, the role of Jesus Christ etc. that you have made available.”