Recently (the week or so prior to Easter 2004) someone on alt.religion.christian.adventist and alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic posted several messages about Adventism, claiming it was a cult, and listing some of its doctrines. Several Adventists responded with shock, aghast at the way someone could misrepresent their faith in this way.
Tag: Pope
Nov 05 2001
Constantine, the Papacy, and the real origins of Sunday
If I understand the Catholic position correctly, they say the Pope did not change the Seventh Day Sabbath to Sunday. They contend this was done by the Apostolic Church and there is no record of a “Pope” making the change, but it was done on authority of the Catholic Church.
Sep 17 1998
Seventh-day Adventists and 666
So Ellen Gould White, the prophetess of Seventh Day Adventism, has a name that adds up to 666, and it is the number of a name and not of a title.
Dec 31 1997
More Vicarius Thrills – the numbers of the beast and the men who flub them
… by Patrick Madrid, Editor-in-Chief, Envoy Magazine … Do we need any more proof that apologetics is fun? Well, here’s more. When I wrote my article “Pope Fiction” (March/April 1998), I knew it might rile some people, and it did. Shortly after it appeared, I received a letter from a Mr. Allan Drisko. He didn’t care for my piece, especially my refutation of the 666 nonsense sometimes used against the papacy.