Tag: Novena

Novena for Adventists – Day 2 – The Investigative Judgement

Today we pray for Adventism, which teaches strange doctrines not known to the original Christian faith. Jesus was said to be returning in 1843, and later 1844, and when he failed, the doctrine of the Investigative Judgement was developed to cover up that error in predicting Jesus’ return. May God lead them to realise that many of their teachings are found neither in the Bible, nor in the original faith of the Apostles, and, in fact, contradict them.

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Novena for Adventists – Day 1 – Anti-Catholic Teachings

Today we pray for Adventism, that it might see the light and truth it rejects in the Catholic faith it despises. Many within their fold fear the Catholic faith, despise it, and speak against it, not fully comprehending its beauty and faithfulness to the truth contained in the Bible. May God soften their hearts so that they may see the love we share, and the glory we give God in our lives and in our worship.

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A Novena for Adventists

Novena - Introduction

In the Nine Days leading up to the 179th anniversary of the birth of Adventist prophetess Ellen White, we will say a novena – a prayer continued for nine days – for those who follow her teachings today.

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