Adventist and Catholic News & Views 023 – 17 Jan 2021

News and commentary on Adventism:

Freezer Malfunction at Adventist Hospital Forces Staff to Give Out 600 COVID Vaccinations in Two HoursAdventist Today
They solved the problem rapidly and got all the doses used up. Well done.

James and Ellen White
James and Ellen White

Why is Adventism historically against labor unions? u/Blackiejedi, r/exAdventist, Reddit
Ellen White, the Adventist prophetess, must have read or heard that Pope Leo XIII (pope from 1878 to 1903) was in favour of trade unions and discussed various labour issues in his 1891 encyclical Rerum novarum. If the pope was for it, Ellen would be against it. That’s my theory anyway.

SA likely to see boom in cults after Covid-19, warn researchersIOL
SSPX and others are attracting the vulnerable.

Experts warn of post-Covid ‘cult groups’ targeting the desperateSunday Times
SSPX and others are attracting the vulnerable.

The rise of cults in South AfricaNewzroom Afrika, YouTube
YouTube video.


News and commentary on Catholicism:

Pope Francis
Pope Francis

Spiritus DominiPope Francis
The latest Catholic teaching that the right wing will use to declare Pope Francis a heretic. Long live Pope Francis!
I am either not reading the interweb properly … or they are a bit stunned and not reacting much yet.

Fr. Z’s Predictions for 2021Fr Zuhlsdorf
Fr Z predicts Trump will still regain the presidency (won’t happen), he calls masks “face diapers” (he’s a conspiracy nut), and he predicts his followers will become even more conspiracy believing than they are (they’re so far down that rabbit hole that I wouldn’t be surprised).

EWTN: The voice of opposition to the popeWhere Peter Is
EWTN has been growing in its anti-Francis attitude for some time now. Sad. They used to be a good organisation. Now they’ve gone to the dogs. Maybe they’ll take Burke or Vigano on as their pope.

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, USA, 2013
Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, USA, 2013

My journey out of a cultJohn Keane, Medium
His experience with the SSPX.

Traditionalism’s flawed approach to the MagisteriumWhere Peter Is
I wish groups like the SSPX would get it right. This deals with an FSSP priest in communion with Rome. If the FSSP got it right, we could move forward more easily. The FSSP are not getting it right.

Statement regarding Society of Saint Pius X gathering in VirginiaDiocese of Arlington, Virginia
SSPX trying to spread COVID like they do in South Africa. Just their nature, like the scorpion.


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SSPX Pinelands Cape Town 36 Central Avenue

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