Congratulations to the Society of St Pius X for winning
the 2020 Sanger Award for Religious Courage.
The Sanger Award for Religious Courage is given each year to a superior religious group who did their best to assist in purging spiritually and morally inferior people from the population. The COVID-19 pandemic has given the SSPX ample opportunity to demonstrate their willingness to assist in this service, and demonstrate they did. This award serves to ensure that their efforts don’t go unnoticed and unrewarded.
This award is similar to the Darwin Awards, which are given to those who purge, or are willing to purge, their own genes from the gene pool through their own stupid actions. The SSPX has been nominated for a 2021 Darwin Award.
Covid-19 does not exist. It is an active measure deployed against the enemies of the U.S. deep state intelligence network which is responsible for endless genocides, cultural revolutions, demographic replacement by migration, and the destruction of the Catholic Church.
Either you are employed by them as well
or you are useful idiots.
Wow. So much paranoia. COVID-19 exists. It is caused by a real virus, SARS-CoV-2. It has killed more than a quarter of a million in the USA, and 1.34 million deaths worldwide. Denial isn’t going to help anything or anyone.
(How on earth do you reach people once they’ve reached this level???)
Anyway – something useful came from this: a new search engine for me to try out. I didn’t know about this search engine – – search for “SSPX cult” and my blog post on them comes up at the top (perhaps because they know the IP address I’m searching from).
And, if you live in Georgia (the US state), you might want to visit Stone Mountain. Wikipedia entry here.