Adventist and Catholic News & Views 012 – 14 March 2020

Amazing song and dance about coronaviruses:

There’s little out there other than coronaviral theology and apologetics, both good, bad, and downright stupid. This News & Views series may go on hold for a few weeks. My highlights:

News and commentary on Adventism:

“Love In The Time Of Coronavirus”Spectrum
Some reflections on how we may soon view the world as before the coronavirus, and after the coronavirus. Very good article.


News and commentary on Catholicism:

Donkey, Boston Public Library
Donkey, Boston Public Library

“Go out and infect all nations”
National Catholic Register
This proposal is disgusting coming from a Catholic priest, Msgr Charles Pope. He is dangerous. He should be reprimanded by his bishop, and this should be retracted. He knows perfectly well that people will die as a result of his suggestion, because he states that people are dying.
My response here.
Please ask his archbishop to reprimand him on Twitter here and here and here, and on Facebook here. This may be your solution.Catholic Culture
Excellent suggestion for outreach during this pandemic.

I am a scientist working to stop coronavirus. We should cancel all Masses.America
Please listen to the scientists. The computational biologists are doing an excellent job with predictions but it feels like nobody is listening.

Illustration of SARS-COV-2 Case Fatality Rate as on 2020-02-28
Illustration of SARS-COV-2 Case Fatality Rate as on 2020-02-28

Mass-less is not FaithlessHenry Karlson
Interesting history and sensible advice.

US Coronavirus Deaths: Elderly with PreconditionsDave Armstrong
There’s some commentary by me in the comments there.

Risk, Virtue and the COVID-19 PandemicMary Pezzulo
Excellent article – we are not called to recklessly endanger the lives of others.


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